
Active Member
I have been working on acquiring the rv-9a kit within a year but now I am pondering a couple thoughts and wanted to get other opinions on this.
Most of the time I would be flying with two people or less, but it seems there would be plenty of opportunities to bring that other couple with us.

I primarily want an aircraft for x-country flying and I would like to bring not only luggage but the occasional golf bags which the rv-9a cannot hold. I do realize that the rv-9a is far more economical to both purchase and operate.
But it seems like the RV-10 has quite a resale value compared to other vans aircraft. I noticed quite a few rv-10's selling for over $200,000, whereas other vans aircraft sell for mostly what the kit costs.

So anybody out there who bought a rv-9a regret that they did not get the rv-10 instead?

Just wondering
My hangar mate takes two golf club bags in his 6A. Maybe leaves out a few clubs but the 7A might be worth considering.
RV-9a vs. RV-10

When you see my signature you will understand that I have a little bit of background with RV's. Having said that I love my RV-10 and would never give it up for a two place RV even though the majority of the time it is just my wife and I flying.

When I finish the RV-6A project I hope to have so little money in it I can justify keeping it just to go out and play upside down once in a while. My wife won't even let me do a roll with her in the airplane.
RV-9A vs RV-10

Cost: You can build a 9A for approx 80-85K. A 10 will be 125-130K+ . The operating costs will be much more also.

For xc: the 10 has much greater comfort,fuel, and range. In spite of being promoted for xc, the 9 needs more gas capacity.

Build effort: The 10 is much more to build than the 9.

Pax:some say build what you will normally fly and rent/borrow for those occasions when 4 seats are needed.

Flying: both are delightful to fly

Golf clubs: some side by side builders have added a tube or box penetrating the rear baggage bulkhead for the long items. (skis,clubs, flyrods,etc.)
We absolutely love ours...

...and we're taking my stepson and girlfriend to the coast this morning. They usually sleep 'til noon but when the RV calls, they're up very early:)

Yep, you can't pry my -10 from my dying hands....:)

Thanks all for your varied opinions. I like the point about renting the few times I need a 4 seater, although that would be hard to do when flying a higher performance plane.

I also liked the idea of maybe small extended sleeves for golf clubs. I was worried about the CG but I guess if you only put a few clubs in there maybe it wouldn't be a problem. I also heard from some builders that said don't mess with the bulk panel in the baggage compartment because that contributes to the strength of the plane.
I have this thoughts on my mind all the time. Except for me is 7A x 10...

I really don't know what to choose.

I'm going to attend Sun n Fun this year to try to clear up my mind.

I also want to use for XC. I'm 28, single, but my father, brother, cousin like airplane very much. So, I think I'd be quite selfish if building the 7A.

Having both is ideal, but I can't afford them.

I have been thinking it over for more than a year so far. I hope to have a decison by the end of this year.

Detail: I live in Brazil, and most of the places I am interested to fly is beyond 500 miles away.

PS: See you at Sun n Fun