
Well Known Member
Dear Oshkosh attendees,

as done last year, I am beginning to organize Show and Tell session where owners / builders of RV-10s invite other RV-10 builders / owners to come by at a certain time to ask questions and hear the build story. We had maybe 5 sessions with between 3 and 10 people showing up.

Last year was organized by a manually maintained Google Sheet. It was really hard to get position links into the sheet for on-site navigation to the parking position.
For this year, I wrote a little app called "PlaneTour" in the hope to get more sessions! Please sign up if you are flying to OSH with your RV-10 as soon as the app is online.

It's for iPhones/iPads but I am working on a web based form to suit other phone makes. If someone wants to quickly make an Android version, I can supply the json APIs of the backend. The map library is from MapBox which is also available for Android.

iPhone 11 Pro Max - 2024-06-23 at 09.11.33.png

Right now it's in the queue at the Apple App Store. I'll post here once it's live.

The instructions are on the Wiki:

San Diego
App is now available at the App Store:
Please install it if you are going to Oshkosh and share RV10 locations and other interesting places.
If you are flying an RV-10 to Oshkosh, please consider offering a Show and Tell session for us fellow builders!
V1.1 is now on the app store:

Release Notes​

  • Version 1.1
    • Edit of own pin data (left swipe, then select the pencil icon). Has the option to update the position of the pin to the current position.
    • N-number lookup supported when creating / editing pin which pre-fills make, model and owner.
    • Filters can be defined to see a subset of pins, e.g. just a certain plane model.
    • Private pins can be created that are not visible to others (stored encrypted on the rv10.org server and only the one who created it can decrypt them on the device).
    • Pins in the list have different background colors depending on whether they are created by others (white), created by the user (teal), or created by the user and private (red).
    • The distance to the selected pin is shown on the map.
    • Buttons on the map have icons instead of text.
Adding support for Android via Web interface. It's still in the make but coming together here:
Will try to bring it to iPhone functionality before the show starts.
Version 1.2 in the App Store now:
  • improved map performance
  • fixed issue with keyboard overlapping submit button when creating a pin