Well Known Member
I have been searching around and haven't been able to find a good concise answer to this question.

I am nowhere near selecting an avionics/autopilot package. I'm building the wings now and would like to know:

Where do the aileron servos go?
Is there a difference in mounting location between the various providers (GRT, Dynon, Garmin)?
Are there any gotchas related to servo installation that I should plan for before putting the bottom skins on?
Good Morning!

Pitch Servo goes back in tail near the battery and pushrod attach point.

The Roll Servo goes in the wing in the access bay, attaching to the Aileron bellcrank.

You can wait until you make your avionics decision to put either/ both in.

I'm in at the end of my QB wing assembly and have made my avionics choice so I went ahead and put roll servo in. I put mine in the right wing.
Good Morning!

Pitch Servo goes back in tail near the battery and pushrod attach point.

The Roll Servo goes in the wing in the access bay, attaching to the Aileron bellcrank.

Yep, what Eric said.

This was for my plane with a TruTrak A/P-------no idea if other brands use the same locations.

And, Good Morning to you too:D
To expand on what the others have said, the roll servo goes on the spar (typically right wing, I believe), and the servo installation kit will come with its own bracket that replaces the lower W-823PP bellcrank bracket with an equivalent part that also holds on to your servo. Then, there's another little bracket that you include in one of the upper two bolts that comes down to help support the servo too. So, just keep in mind you'll be removing and replacing some of those bolts that go through the spar into the wing tie-down bracket.

The servo installation bracket is similar between all servo brands, but Garmin says that theirs is required for their GSA-28 servos due to minor clearance differences between theirs and others.

As for bottom skins, my .02 would be to leave them off as long as possible, because it will be a lot easier to run wires and rig everything with the skins off. And, you might find doing a thousand rivets on the bottom skins to be a refreshing change after being buried in fiberglass when that time comes... at least that's what we're looking forward to! :D