
Well Known Member
Any thoughts on 60/40 bench seats otherthan classic aero? Sent an email to Luke, I get the idea that no RV10 accessories- trying to clarify, but all the -10 products removed from website. Not sure if that means they aren't upholstering the front seats from vans??
Was planning on flightline for rest of interior, but liked the 60/40 seat that classic offered...

Just got a newsletter from Classic Aero.

This is from the newsletter;

Product Line Changes

We have decided to discontinue our RV-10 products for the time being. We also discontinued some items for the RV-6 earlier this year. These changes are part of a larger goal we have for all of our products.

We have been steadily working to bring all of our products up to a consistent set of standards. These standards not only include product quality, but also things like process improvement, better process documentation, and even things like more informative marketing material. These tasks have proven to require a large amount of work for each product. By reducing the number of items we offer in the short term, it allows us to reach this goal sooner.

We do not plan to introduce any significant new products before this process is complete. Once it is finished, new products that we develop will meet these more formal standards before they are made available. Products that have been discontinued are likely to be re-introduced at a later time in one form or another.

We have already begun to see major benefits as a result of these changes, and expect that to continue. Ultimately, the end result will be more consistent quality and a better customer experience for all of the products that we offer.

Note this line, may be hope for back seats in the future.

"Products that have been discontinued are likely to be re-introduced at a later time in one form or another".
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