
Could someone post a picture of the plans of the RV10 fork WD-1030 side view please
I'm looking for change my WD-630 to WD-1030
Is this what you are looking for? Not a side view but probably close enough.


Sorry, the -10 did not come with blue-print style plans. Only isometric drawings in most cases except the rivet patterns. Maybe Van's can give you the info you are looking for. Remember, too, that the -10 fork is for a different kind of nosegear.

Could someone post a plan or photo of the RV 10 for WD-1030 including basic dimensions?

Do you know how much this part costs in Vans shop?

Thank you

Thanks Lenny

it's the same this but for rv10 that I need


Could someone post a plan or photo of the RV 10 for WD-1030 including basic dimensions?

Do you know how much this part costs in Vans shop?

Thank you

You can look up the cost on Van's site.


The photo posted above is the best that you're going to get. Unless somebody takes the time to measure every aspect. Part's dimensions are only provided by Van's on parts that have to be fabricated. Since this isn't a fabricated part, the dimensions aren't readily available.
Putting a larger nosewheel on my 8A

Could someone post a plan or photo of the RV 10 for WD-1030 including basic dimensions?

I give Antisplat an A+++ for customer service in doing the wheel bearing mod for me on a 5" wheel!

Just trying to complete the puzzle to get this on the nose gear leg... I understand the RV-10 has a 5.00x5 nose wheel like this. Obviously my stock '8A fork is too small for this larger wheel- both width and length...

Would any RV-10 builders with an unassembled nose gear be so kind as to measure the WD-1030? It looks like the 8A bushing is about 1.25" ID and 3.125" spindle engagement and just wondering if the '10 fork (WD-1030) would fit on my 8A nose leg (U-809-2-PC) with a 5.00x5 tire.



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Just trying to complete the puzzle to get this on the nose gear leg... I understand the RV-10 has a 5.00x5 nose wheel like this. Obviously my stock '8A fork is too small for this larger wheel- both width and length...

I have sent you a PM
Could someone post a picture of the plans of the RV10 fork WD-1030 side view please
I'm looking for change my WD-630 to WD-1030

Hello Thierry
I see from your profile that you have a 6A.
I have done the larger nose tire mod on a 7A & 8A, so have an idea how it affected those planes.
My concern with doing this mod to a 6A is that it has shorter main gear legs than a 7A or 9A, that the added height of the tire plus fork would raise the nose by just over 2" - this means the tail of the plane will be over 5" lower parked on the ground. The weight loading on the ground (not to be confused with center of gravity, it will fly basically the same) will give the plane an increased tendency to bounce the nose off the taxi way when going over bumps (nose up & hopefully not striking the ground with the tail) & even making it a real balancing act entering or exiting the aircraft if aft loaded.
The 7A with it's longer main gear legs also exhibited these ground characteristics but not as exaggerated as would be in a 6A.
The 8A ended up requiring a custom shorter & reshaped nose gear leg to compensate for the higher nose tire arrangement, otherwise it would have been unworkable with it's wide weight shift scenarios.

I hope you do a complete evaluation of the associated ramifications before you get too deep in this mod.


Thanks for your many informative thought provoking posts of VAF.

I fly an RV-7A and I'm very interested in changing to a 5:00x5 nose tire. I'm still in the early thought phase of this. I was concerned about the change in "AOA" for ground operations and wondered if changing to 380-150x5 mains would return a -7A to near normal ground "AOA"? Do you have thoughts or experience changing all three tires to larger diameter?

380 tires are 1” taller than stock 500x5s so will raise the airframe 1/2” at the mains. With the about 2” rise at the nose wheel, the tail will still be about 4” lower than the stock stance.
If we did the 380 tires on the 7A that we modified it may have helped the loading a slight bit but wouldn’t have eliminated it’s potential to drop the tail when full luggage and passenger were aboard.
Don’t get me wrong in meaning the modified 7A was a disaster on the ground. You just have to take the upset potential into account when climbing aboard & taxiing on rough surfaces. Note that the owner & I enjoyed a trip to OSH in this plane fully loaded, so it is still capable.
My caution was really intended for doing this to a 6A with those shorter main gear legs.

Thanks for your many informative thought provoking posts of VAF.

I fly an RV-7A and I'm very interested in changing to a 5:00x5 nose tire. I'm still in the early thought phase of this. I was concerned about the change in "AOA" for ground operations and wondered if changing to 380-150x5 mains would return a -7A to near normal ground "AOA"? Do you have thoughts or experience changing all three tires to larger diameter?


When I built my 7A, I put on a modified RV10 fork, wheel pant and 500x5 tire and 380-150s on the mains. The result is it’s stance is now slightly tail low (as compared to normal 7A), and probably similar to a standard RV6A as best as I can tell. Slightly bigger tires (maybe 600x6) would return the 6A to a near level stance. I prefer the tail low stance though. Other than the weight increase, I’m glad I did it.

Data point for RV-8A

Ok, an update for anyone looking for usable data to consider...

Though any data on the RV-10 nose fork has proven elusive over the last 8 years of this thread, I was able to borrow an RV-12 fork from a friend. Notwithstanding all the other considerations involved with a nosewheel mod, I suspect it may of the same dimensions as an RV-10 fork.

I am thinking about going with this fork for my modified nosewheel but still some pondering to do about fitting the wheelpant...


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Any update on this? Interested in putting a 5x5 nose tire on my 9A....
Not on my part as I am nowhere near standing the plane up on its gear yet... Was just looking at the preliminary geometry (and trying to decide the best way to go about it if/when I get there given the inter-related consequences mentioned previously). In the meantime, I also welcome learning more from others that have done similar.