
I'm New Here
I am considering building an RV-10 but wanted to make sure I could fit comfortably in one. I am 6'4" and weigh about 215. Are there any completed or partially completed RV-10's in the DFW area I could check out to make sure there is enough room? I live in the Plano area.
Alex De Domincis is just south of Dallas with N110LV. He is one of 2 that does transition training in the RV-10. I flew with him last month and he seems like a great guy that would welcome a visit.

I don't have any connection with him except that I used him for transition training and came away very satisfied.

Just a little info on the front seats - the rudder pedals have two positions that they can be installed in and the front seats themselves are adjustable similar to car seats. I am about 6'1" and have to have the seat 3-4 notches from the aft stop to be able to adequately reach the rudder pedals.

Bob #40105
Welcome to VAF. Glad to see you made it over. Hope to see you at the poker. . . er. . . fun run on Saturday.