Hello folks,

I have determined that I need more back seat fresh air for my kids. Therefore, I have cut NACA vents into the bottom of my wings, similar to the one in the factory -8. I will be bringing that air in the cabin under the baggage compartment floor and potentially routing it up to the cabin ceiling behind the rear baggage bulkhead via scat tube then bringing the air forward via fiberglass channel to eyeball vents aka Bonanza. My question is this....is there enough headroom left if this is done? Could an existing 10 pilot snap a couple of pictures for me with someone sitting there with a headset on? An alternative is to put the vents closer to the floor and point them upward. While I'm at it, I may bring video feeds through the channel and even add a video screen. Thoughts?

I appreciate the help!
RVPilot at MCHSI dot com
Pete, Fuselage
Pete, have you flown the 10 yet? I don't think you will really need any more air in the back seats, or the front for that matter. The ventilation in the 10 is really adequate. We fly in Atlanta, so it's hot and humid, and they work fine. YMMV.


Hi Vic,

I had seen your ealier post about the amount of air in the -10. I have flown 410RV, but only from the front seat. I wanted the airflow to be able to be directed more to my face than I could when I flew. I have no knowledge of the airflow from the small rectagle vent in the back seat.

I personally get airsick when I get HOT. I like to have the air 'in my face'. It always seems to help the most. I was recently in a Glassair II - it was 85 degrees with 90% humidity. It was a fabulous day...and yet I overheated and got queasy. This was the day that I decided I had to have more air. (My kids seem to have a similar problem.)

I learned something last night after making the post.....I tacked all of my fuse chunks together and cleco'd on the side skins. I have a bigger routing issue than I thought/anticipated. My extended baggage compartment is in the way from where I thought I would be routing air flow. We have some idea's but will spend more time head scratching tonight.

I am now considering building a 'box' around the rectangle vent and putting an eyeball vent on it so I can direct airflow. At this point, the NACA vents are already cut and mounted....I will be going forward with additional air...it's just a matter of how to route it....and where to.

When I heard that you had been to Galesburg, IL to the Stearman fly-in, I was disappointed. I backed out last minute. I would have loved to have talked to you. If anyone else is flying near Des Moines, drop me a line...I'll come to you!

Back air vents adequate


I think the ventilation is more than enough in this plane. Those back seat vents, when opened, stick out a little fin into the outside air going 200mph and scoup in a lot of air. For directing the air it would be a great idea just to put a box over the existing vents with an eyeball vent, but you would have to have a way to open the vent. I don't think you would want to leave it open all the time, maybe unless you removed the little door and just left it flush. I don't know how this would work back there.

Tons of air in back seat.

When I gave Jim and Brent their first ride a couple of days ago in 331JH, Jim had the little vent blowing on his face. The torrent of air that came out of there raise hell with the intercom, and the squelch had to be turned to the point he had to scream. This airfow is almost excessive, and IMHO I cannot imagine any passenger wanting any more air flow back there.
PS, we were flying around at 150 MPH indicated for the most part. On our ILS at MPH IAS, near the ground, Jim had no complaints.
IMHO save weight and time and keep the little doors suplied with the kit..I also say this as a 6?2" pilot who covets the headroom in this awsome plane.
One more PS...I tell all of my Moony, Piper, Bonanza etc. buddies, to not go flying with me in the 10 for one simple reason...They will go home and torch their Moony, Piper, Bonanza, etc....