pierre smith

Well Known Member
Hi guys..well, my -10 is sold and it’s going to the Atlanta area, the new owner an airline type. I’m worried about shedding a tear when it leaves my hangar, I really do love the airplane....something I’ve never felt for any other airplane, including my AT-6 or Cessna 310...the airplane is simply amazing.

Oh well, I’ve finished both wings and the fuselage of my RV-12, working on the firewall area waiting for the UL engine and avionics......some comfort anyway.

Good on your sale Pierre. Someone lucky got a nice plane. You will be sad watching it fly away. I was sick to my stomach for days after mine was picked up and flown off by its new owner, and am still not over it! I think the RV-10 is one of the most coveted planes on the ramp, and for good reason!
It's a ways off, but if you build your little bird with as much care as your big bird, you'll be sad too, when that RV-12 flies off with a new owner, in the future.

Saw it when I bought my RV-12 from the original owner... we still stay in touch, he misses it.
I have managed to stay in touch with the new owners of previous RV's - it is part of the responsibility of the build process and ownership. I have been able to provide insight into some things about all 3 aeroplanes, including when we apparently got the nav lights wrong on the second 12...... :rolleyes:

They are clear in colour, poorly marked and the wings were upside down..... leave me alone :D

Don't shed a tear - look forward to staying in touch and adding a new friend to your social group.

RV12 - put a switch in the fuel pump line or else it will drive you crazy on the ground....:cool:;)