Hey, Todd, I know there are other threads related to this but the linked article mentioned something sideways to the incident: your pilot's log was lost. I'd like to hear what happens as you start a new log and if you run into any issues due to the lost logbook.
I couldn't even tell you the last time my log book and I flew together. It was probably 6 years ago when I went for my PPL. It was just a strange coincidence that my log book was in my flight bag and that I brought my flight bag with me. I normally don't fly with my flight bag because everything I need to fly with I keep in the plane. My log book is normally at home. I just happen to have it in my flight bag because I had a BFR on April 2 and just left it in my bag. Luckily all my Tiger time is on spreadsheets from the flying club and I pretty much know all my RV-10 flying time and can recreate those dates with pretty good accuracy. I will probably have trouble recreating my flight time in 172's though because how long ago it was.

I have been flying twice since the accident. The first time I was shaking pretty good but the second time it was another day in the park. It's not the flying that scares me just the taxiing!
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I have been flying twice since the accident. The first time I was shaking pretty good but the second time it was another day in the park. It's not the flying that scares me just the taxiing!

Todd, good to hear you are back in the saddle, and still have your sense of humor:D
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Todd, good to hear you are back in the saddle, and still have your sense of humor:D

I had to get back up ASAP or it would have been a long, long time before I would have flown again. Luckily my daughter was able to keep her sense of humor also and it really helps in the recovery.