As my neighbor says, who has built 23 RV-10s and counting:
There really are only three items you need on your Before Takeoff check in an RV-10:

1) Cabin Doors - Latched
2) Check Cabin Doors - Latched
3) Make SURE those (redacted) Cabin Doors are Latched!
I made some for my 10 using a combination from my existing POH (by builder), other sources from this forum and other aircraft with similar engine. Not sure how I can best share it, though, from my FF subscription. Ideas?

Does anyone have a good Foreflight checklist for an RV-10. There was one in an earlier thread, but the links did not work.

-10 wannabe--sent you a PM a while back about emailing you the FF checklist but nothing from you yet. Check your Private Messages. I'm not going to post the file in the forum thread. Thanks!