
Active Member

6.7 TT. A very busy airspace, but overall productive flight. With extended time on the ground I worked on ground leaning procedures a bit and that turned out well with a very clean ignition check. Each ignition was a drop of 50 or so. Audio recording finally worked, but a couple of notes on that. My helmet ANR was set for mono, 3D audio on the GMA245 was on. I changed those two settings as well as unplugged and plugged my phone in after the audio panel was booted and everything finally started working. CHTs came down a good 50 degrees from the previous flights. My max CHT was in the 345 range on a WOT 85 knot climb. I ran a slow injector data gathering leaning run. My injector spread is .8 GPH. I will run that again before I start swapping out restrictors. Climbs were awesome being able to hold stable at +2000 FPM without hitting CHT overtemp. (it was 46F though)