
During the last two years I’ve been an avid reader of this site. Now it’s time for sharing a bit, I guess.

I’m the happy owner of a just built RV-10 in Brazil, which has a complete VFR Garmin G3X suite (overkill ? maybe, but I really like it). Both the airplane and the avionics are fantastic. I already have close to 10hrs of flight and cannot take the RV grin away from my face. My airplane was built by Flyer Industrias Aeronauticas, which did a fantastic job.

I wanted to share this first video (which was not the first flight) of my RV-10. The video was shot this week in Rio de Janeiro using a GoPro camera, and features me doing touch and go’s in my local Airport (called Clube Ceu). The airport has a 500 meter grass runway and the pathern is quite specific, as we have several overfly limitations in the area, therefore you will see for example that I go from the wind leg to final in a non-standard way, so please keep that in mind as you evaluate my flying technique… :)

I hope you enjoy the video.

All the best,

Very cool!

Is that Sugar Loaf on the right as you takeoff???

Trying to figure out where that airport is.
Not Sugar Loaf . . .

Very cool!

Is that Sugar Loaf on the right as you takeoff???

Trying to figure out where that airport is.

It's not. The airport is located in Barra da Tijuca, which is about 15-20 miles west of Sugar Loaf. In the future I'll try to record and post a video showing it and the Corcovado mountain.

Thanks !
Still can't find it on google earth.

Definitely post some Corcovado video!

I'm flying down to Galeao' Tuesday and am going try to get to Redeemer!

That is the coolest site and have only seen it from a far.
Exactly !

That looks like the airport next to the Autodromo (race track).. . very, very cool!!

Radomir is right on the spot. The airport is located very close to the Autodromo (race track). In google maps, zoom in the autodromo, and you will see just south of it, in the border of a lake, the grass runway.

John, let me know if you are making plans to be in Rio during the weekend.

Full flaps

Flavio, was that a no-flap landing? I didn't see you lowering, or raising, the flaps.


Pierre, it was a full flap landing. The flap switch is located below the right hand corner of the center G3X screen. Because of editing we can't see when I hit the switch for the first time, but on minute 2:58 you can see me hitting it for full flaps.

As to raising it, check on minute 1:55, that's when I raise flaps after take-off.

It's not. The airport is located in Barra da Tijuca, which is about 15-20 miles west of Sugar Loaf. In the future I'll try to record and post a video showing it and the Corcovado mountain.

Thanks !

Somewhere (Im still looking) I have a picture that I took from the gondola going up to Sugar Loaf right down the runway on Santos Dumont Airport. It was like I had just turned on final.
Corcovado video and a little bit of Sugar Loaf

Definitely post some Corcovado video!

This was the day my brother Ricardo flew with me for the first time. It was a beautiful afternoon in Rio and the air was really calm.

The first video was shot using a GoPro and show us in the cockpit as we circle Corcovado and then when Ricardo flies the plane for a while. In minute 0:36 you can see the Sugar Loaf as well.


The second video was shot using my brother?s Camera. It captures nice Corcovado images as we circled it.


Finally, this is my brother Ricardo and my 8yr old son Joao standing by ?my precious? ZEN.


Hope you guys like it.


My wife and I will be down in Rio on Saturday for the week. We've just started to get to know the RV-9 crowd in Brasilia where we live. I may have to make my way out to Barra to see this airport myself.

The 9s that I've seen from Flyer are very impressive, it looks like they've got the 10 down pretty good as well. Great video, keep them coming.


My view was at a much lower altitude a couple weeks ago :D

Wow, beautifull picture !

My wife and I will be down in Rio on Saturday for the week. We've just started to get to know the RV-9 crowd in Brasilia where we live. I may have to make my way out to Barra to see this airport myself.

The 9s that I've seen from Flyer are very impressive, it looks like they've got the 10 down pretty good as well. Great video, keep them coming.

That's really interesting. I lived in Brasilia for 4 years and in my last 2 months there (2009) I did some adaptation flights in a RV-9A in the local airport (APUB). I also have a friend who owns a RV-9A there, so I can introduce you to him.

Too bad I won't be in Rio during Carnival (I'll take "ZEN" to Buzios), otherwise I would definitely take you for a ride. Please send me a PM if you want directions to the airport. I can try to find someone to at least show you the place around. There are many Rv-10?s, 9's and 7?s there?
