
Hello all,

As some of you already know, I recently made my first flight in my RV10 and my son and son-in-law took videos that day and my son-in-law Adam has help put together a shorten version of the videos. Actually Adam did all the work of putting it together, I was just an editor of sort.

So if you are interested, here is where it is posted on YouTube where you can view the video. In the bottom right corner of the YouTube screen there is a small button and if you click on this button it will show the video in full screen mode.


The fly off is going well so far. Boy you find that there are a lot of things that have to be tweaked once you get in the air. I've flown off nearly 20 hours so far burning up a ton of 100LL but I'm not complaining.

Wayne Edgerton #40336 flying

N602WT going to paint at Grady's in about 4 weeks. :D :D
Great Job

Awesome Wayne. That was a great video. That is such a fun day.

Have fun with it.

By the way, what type of tow pull device do you have to pull the RV-10 out of your hanger.

Again, great job
First of all, congratulations! Looks like you have a fine airplane!

Now I need to stick my neck out and put my EAA Flight Advisor hat on... Why do some builders feel compelled to make high-speed low passes on their first flight?

Yes, it's definitely a "woohoo" moment to fly that puppy for the first time, but the first flight is a TASK, a JOB. Gotta stay focussed, keep it SAFE and keep it simple, not adding any undue risk. I'm probably pis sing a bunch of people off by saying all of this, but with every VIDEO I see of engine starts & first flights, I'm seeing more things that reflect "less than total focus." It concerns me.

great video. have fun with it. maybe we can call you cowboy for you maverick flyby.. :D ;) loved it.