
Well Known Member
Took a flight a few months back in Florida and got quite warm with the RV-10 cabin all buttoned up during run-up. Doors were closed due to fear of them being ripped off. Was curious if anyone regularly taxis with the doors cracked slightly and held similar to many other aircraft with doors that open more like a car. Probably some clear cases where this not recommended, but would like to hear from those that have done so with good or bad results.

Alternatively, if the doors need to be shut, anyone installed a small window on the side transparency or found other ways to keep the cabin cool besides air conditioning.
I have a pulldown strap on my doors, and it's not difficult to hold them partway open for taxi. Carabiner and hook inside the cockpit is on my list for two-hands-free operation.
I would taxi mine often with the door slightly opened and holding on to the strap. Just a couple inches and you’ll get lots of prop blast coming in.
I had a strap made where one end loops around landing gear post exposed in cabin, and the other end has a loop large enough to go around door handle. Allows me to crack door open about 1.5" with engine running, with NO chance of it slipping out of my hands. Has made a HUGE difference for hot days taxiing without A/C.

I'd post pics, but can't seem to get the upload file link to work???? I've posted 100's of pics, so please no tutorials needed.

If you will PM me your email, I'm happy to send pics directly to you.
I'd post pics, but can't seem to get the upload file link to work???? I've posted 100's of pics, so please no tutorials needed.

If you will PM me your email, I'm happy to send pics directly to you.

Rebooted computer, and got a pic to attach now.... I'd make small loop for gear leg 1st, then measure for where loop for handle should go based on how far you want it open, before sewing that loop in place. Strap is made out of leather.


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I have AC, however if I didn't I would try and figure out something similar with a strap that will keep it slightly open without my hand on it.
Great answers and exactly what I was hoping for.

Anyone ever lost a door while taxiing?
I use straps similar to the ones Randy described, except I made them out of climbing spec webbing. The end loops are made with knots. It works great for leaving the doors cracked open while leaving both hands free. It also provides a belt and suspender protection to both the door pins failing and the planearound door center cam failing.
I do it the poor man way, I just hold onto the handle. Your also always ready to close and lock the door using the same hand.
Me too

I just hold it open with my hand. If I have to adjust something I have the right hand available to adjust throttle or hold the controls in gusty wind conditions. If I need both hands I temporarily close the door and then hold open again after the adjustments. Hasn't bothered me yet.
No straps

I taxi with the door ajar most of the time. I often have a passenger hold the door slightly ajar as well. Passengers love to be helpful and involved, at least mine do.
I always close and lock the doors before run up as part of my checklist.
After landing I allow the doors to be opened as soon as the aircraft is perpendicular to the runway and taxing.
I agree that letting the door slam open would not be advisable but I don't think you need all sorts of straps and other contraptions to keep that from happening.