
I'm New Here

A while back I asked about a demo flight in an RV-10. Although I received a couple of offers, the event never materialized due mostly to my schedule. Long story short, I am once again looking for a ride. I can certainly "cost share" by putting some avgas in your tank.

Any takers? I'm located at Hazel Green Airport (M38).

Hi David

I fly into KMDQ about once per month to visit my mother in law. Next flight in should be around Oct 11th. If you still need a ride at that time I will gladly oblige. (One ride should be worth Catfish and hushpuppies at Greenbriars :D)


Thank you for the offer! Will check back in as the day approaches. Flying and hushpuppies — what a combination!

Hi David

I had a change of plans (my wife changed my plans)

We came into Moontown (3M5) yesterday and will be here for few days at her mom's house..

I will send you a PM with my contact details if you want to take a ride in the RV10


Glad we were able to connect and get a short flight. Moontown is such a pleasure to fly in\out of.

Let me know if you decide to start an RV10 project and I will come by for a project visit once you have it going.

I know this is a thread hijack but seeing as you and David have already flown I’ve got a question. Your profile says Flat Rock, NC. Do you fly out of 0A7, AVL, Cane Creek etc? I grew up in the area (my folks still live in Etowah) and learned to fly/got my wings out at 0A7.
Hey Zach

I fly out of OA7. I have never been into Cane creek.

0A7 airport is chugging along, fair number of airplanes based there. Hangars are all full.

Johnson Field, (the parallel grass strip 100 yards south of 0A7) is still in operation as well.

The Western North Carolina Aircraft museum is still in operation as well. EAA 1016 holds monthly meetings\dinners at their facility.

Hope to see you in your -10 at the field!

That is all fantastic to hear! I assume John Fadok is still around then if the airport is still operating? If you would be open to it I’d love to meet up next time I’m in the area to visit my folks and have a look at your 10. I am at the fiberglass stage (canopy is pretty much done and working on the doors) and feel like I have been at this same stage forever!
As for Cane Creek it was a small private grass strip over in Fletcher that according to google maps appears to be closed now. The runway and hangars are still there but the whole area has been commercialized with a lot of warehouse type buildings showing up. Who knows🤷*♂️


I would be happy to meet up with you next time you are in AVL area. We could go for RV10 ride if you need some "keep building" motivation
