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Well Known Member
Ann Asberry volunteered to be the "official" photographer for last Saturday's "Work Day #2". Below is a Picasa link to her photos. For those that were unable to attend the work day, you missed a special treat... RV-1 cookies from Tanya Card's kitchen!

Photos by: Ann Asberry
Click >>>> HERE


If you have a little (or a lot) of spare time and would like to view more RV-1 related Picasa albums, click on the link below.

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Wow!! What a great set of workers and a lot of progress - looks like Session #2 was a big success, and glad you all carried on in our absence. Here's hoping the October date works out for us, and if progress keeps happening at this rate, we are on schedule for next year's flying season.

Beautiful work on the floor and panels Jarhead and Boomer - and it looks like "the commitee" got the ailerons re-attached with quality hardware for the fittings. I'm guessing that the fact that stick is back in means that Bob Avery has done some welding magic (I think I saw another photo showing a nicely rebuilt canopy frame as well). Oh, and I'm not sure what Tanya was building, but why does it always seem that Tanya is either flying, building, or baking....and Scott is watching? ;)

Did anyone with tiny hands get the elevator cables re-attached? Louise was working on that when last we left, and I'd REALLY like those cables to be re-connected before first flight....

Jay, update us on what parts we need to get in the pipeline from our vendor community next - looks like it's going to be fuel lines and getting things ready for FWF!

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