
Well Known Member
This time of year is really dead "work wise" for me so I decided to spend a few days helping on the RV-1 at Hicks Field, TX. It's a 3 hour flight one way for me so I had plenty of time to think. :eek:

I just wanted to share a few thoughts about the opportunity to see up close and to be able to work on the the very first RV to fly built by Van himself, and to try and inspire others to take some time to make the trip to help out.

The goal is to get the plane done for SnF March 27th. That leaves 14 weeks from now to get the plane done. Subtract 3 weeks for paint prep and paint shop, 2 weeks fly off / shake down runs and adjustments leaves 9 weeks to get this bird airworthy. :eek:

If you can dedicate some time and have skills finishing up details contact Paul or Jay Pratt ASAP! The RV-1 needs your help and expertise now to meet a very tight schedule.

A very special thank you to Jay Pratt and Roy (Jarhead) & Vickie Geer for putting me up for 2 nights while we worked on the plane. Southern hospitality is alive and well at Hicks Field. ;)

If you have a camper I believe you can stay right on the field, there are hotels in the area, and there are some residence there that are taking in workers. This is really a cool project. If you have some time or can make time, now is the time! Let the final push begin!

9 weeks and counting. :eek:

Be a part of RV history! The time is now, the need is now.
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Larry, I want to make you the poster child for this project!

Not only did you spend three days workign on the project, but you DEDICATED three days, traveling a long way at your own expense and putting in the time. it was also great to see the picture of Rosie - we all know that California to Texas is pretty much a "lunch run" for Rosie, but still - that's a lot of Avgas.

Larry's calender math is right on - we have about six weeks to get this bird flying, and there is a lot to do. Jay suggested this morning that we really need to keep the momentum going on Baffles and the Belly Pan (sheet metal work - hey, right up the community's alley!) by getting them done in the next week. I can't make it, and I know lots of others who can't because it's the first work week of the year. but statistically, we have got to have several hundred RV'ers who have the time available.

"The Regulars" ( I haven't been there yet when Roy wasn't working!) have done an incredible job with an awful lot of people-hours contributed so far. We need another string of workers to get out on the ice for a short time to help push to the finish. You can PM me, or call Jay if you need instructions on how and when. Jay's got other projects he is committed to in order to pay the bills and make a living, but he'll point you at the -1 and let you know what needs to be done.

Thanks again to ALL of our volunteers - I bet everyone who has touched this airplane has found it as rewarding as Larry. i know I have. Join in - soon!!

I'm in for Friday or cooperating

I can come up and put in another day on Friday or Saturday, if weather cooperates. Jay, what day works for you? How about some others? Can we get a crew together for either of those days?
Rosie was kicking butt! If you got near him you could end up with #40 drill hole in you some where filled by a cleko. He got a lot done! He certainly holds the long distance award for RV-1 restorer.

Seriously boys and girls, OSH is coming up. Woundn't it be cool to tell all of your aviation friends you helped get the original RV-1 in the air and to OSH? Be a part of aviation history.

Time is running out!
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I am here every day. Please come and help on the RV 1,,, any day,,, we need you.