Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
My wife Laura and I flew up to Reno/Stead this morning to see Bob and the RV 1.

I got my transition briefing done fairly quickly.


After the feeling of claustrophobia wore off, I decided to let someone else fly the next leg.

Laura fits much better:D


Too bad she doesnt have her ticket yet............

After the trial fitting fun, I gave Bob some stick time in the 10.


I think he liked it:rolleyes:


And, for your entertainment, the RVs 11:D


Entire album is here, if you want to see more.

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You kow Mike, in all the excitment of an airline pilot actually completeing a four-day trip ON TIME, we sort of forgot - have they had a party/reception at Reno yet? Was that what you went up for?

You kow Mike, in all the excitment of an airline pilot actually completeing a four-day trip ON TIME, we sort of forgot - have they had a party/reception at Reno yet? Was that what you went up for?


I really dont know if there was a reception party yet or not------I think Bob went to a movie for his anniversary or some such when he got back.

I basically went up there because I could. And to try to figure out what I can do to help with the escort to Golden West.

Plus, Bob has been bugging me for a ride in the 10:D
Nose gear drag


I think your RV-10 would cruise faster if you mounted the nose wheel fairing straight. :D (see last picture)

I think a few A-320's have tried their nose gear that way, and while it seems to work OK, its not the preferred orientation.;)

I'm glad Bob got to fly the -10 though....

My wife Laura and I flew up to Reno/Stead this morning to see Bob and the RV 1.

I got my transition briefing done fairly quickly.


After the feeling of claustrophobia wore off, I decided to let someone else fly the next leg.

Laura fits much better:D


Too bad she doesnt have her ticket yet............

After the trial fitting fun, I gave Bob some stick time in the 10.


I think he liked it:rolleyes:


And, for your entertainment, the RVs 11:D


Entire album is here, if you want to see more.


I think your RV-10 would cruise faster if you mounted the nose wheel fairing straight. :D .

Yaw correction, would you believe? How about a stand in for a chock to keep the plane from rolling into the fence??

I thought you were going to be there today??
I got my transition briefing done fairly quickly.

After the trial fitting fun, I gave Bob some stick time in the 10.

I think he liked it:rolleyes:

Oh yeah he did! :D


I think your RV-10 would cruise faster if you mounted the nose wheel fairing straight. :D

Yes, but if you move the stick fore and aft just right, and give it some extra power...it bounces along quite nicely! ;)

I'm glad Bob got to fly the -10 though....

It was great! Smooth, fairly quiet, realy nice flyer...quite the Caddilac ride, if'n ya ask me! Pretty dog-gone nice wing too! ;)

I definitely think Laura is a better fit! You look pretty cramped.
Oh, perhaps a tad! :p But I'm here to tell ya, he got in, and the canopy closed. He got out on his own too, so Mike's a fighter pilot at heart!

You kow Mike, in all the excitment of an airline pilot actually completeing a four-day trip ON TIME, we sort of forgot - have they had a party/reception at Reno yet? Was that what you went up for?


Hmmm...I'll let that first remark pass Iron...I'm sure you meant all those other airlines...ahem! ;) As for the party, we did have a BBQ on Friday upon arrival. Usual suspects from the R3 BBQ, just a bit smaller, given it was 1300 (yep, on time!) on Friday.

Couple pics:
Reno gang and escorts:

RV-1 and Escorts on the ramp at RTS:

RV-1 in the pole position on racer's row...where the Sport and Unlimited line up for start-up!

Good burgers and good fun!

Still trying to get my mojo back up to do the wrap up post on the tour...will git 'er dun before the -1 leaves my barn!

Fun morning...thanks to Mike and Laura for coming over the hill, and for my RV10 Fam 1 flight!

I sat in the RV-1 for a moment in Toledo and
am quite impressed that Bob Mills sat in it for
four full days flying to Reno.
Then Mike Starkey climbs in, WOW.

For those that haven't sat in it, all I can say
is, it isn't the most friendly cockpit that I have
One of my favorite quotes from Sun'n'Fun

Van (immediately after sitting in the -1 for the first time in many years): "You know, I made the -3's cockpit 6" longer. Now I remember why!"
I sat in the RV-1 for a moment in Toledo and
am quite impressed that Bob Mills sat in it for
four full days flying to Reno.
Then Mike Starkey climbs in, WOW.

For those that haven't sat in it, all I can say
is, it isn't the most friendly cockpit that I have


Try the front seat of a cub.................:eek:
I flew my 10 hrs. of x-country requirements
in a Cub and don't remember it being as bad.
We put 20# in the baggage compartment
and soloed from the front seat.
That was 55 years ago and I weighed about
40# less then now.

I guess things might have changed,