Special Delivery

Well Known Member
Work Days 7, 8, and 9 are now in the record book and the “VanGrunsven RV-1” is almost ready for its airworthiness inspection! Most of the major tasks have been completed; the engine is hung and new baffles installed, a new canopy frame, skirt, and belly pan are complete and fitted, new 600x6 axles, wheels and tires are installed, and the new wheel pants that Van himself fabricated have been mounted. Volunteers came from far and near and camped at RV-Central until their work was done; Larry Gieger from Huskerland, USA, Paul “Rosie” Rosales from Rosamond, CA, and Dan Horton with his right-hand man, Stan, from Montgomery, AL, are this month’s long distance winners.

[ed.] I apologize for not including comments on this week's photos... not enough hours in the day! I'll 'get-er-done' soon.

Click on photo for link to Picasa Album >>

On a personal note, the guys from Alabama, DanH and Stan, expanded my vocabulary with an amusing array of factual tidbits... i.e. Stan explained to me that when enlarging a hole with a round file; if you're in a sitting position it's called wallering it out, but if you're in a standing position it's called yanging. Before the day was over we had overcome a severe communication barrier and we were talking as if we had been neighbors for years! Gotta love those guys from Alabama! Just one more thing... watching DanH and Stan work together was like watching poetry in motion.
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What a GREAT set of photos Ernie! things look to be going extremely well, and I wish I could have made it to work with that incredible group of folks.

We'll be up there this Friday, the 13th, and I know that Boomer has been rallying the troops for the next couple of weekends. As anyone that has finished an RV knows - it's all those little details that take so much of the time, so let's not let up.

Looks to me like wiring, induction, a prop and cowling are the next big things!

Fun weekend. I apologize for not spending more time visiting with everyone, but we were humping pretty hard.

It was a huge pleasure to work in Jay's shop. I brought a few things with me but mostly depended on Jay to have what was needed. No problem. Case in point; I needed to tweak new brackets into better conformance with the compound curvature of the wheelpants. I was standing there staring at a bracket and thinking "****, I wish I had a shot bag" when Jay pipes up with "You want a shot bag?" I suppose you could try to stump him by asking for a left-handed unibit or a fusion reactor, but he would just go up the street and borrow it from Bob Avery. ;)

Ernie, Stan only taught you the polite terms. You'll have to come visit to get the good ones.