Special Delivery

Well Known Member
Here's my RV-1 photos from Sun-n-Fun
I'll post Spruce Creek photos early next week

When you view the photos you'll have no doubt that Van has re-connected with his RV-1. Van spent 90% of his time at the RV-1 tent, and most of that time was spent working on his bird... tape measure in hand, on his back, on his knees, in the cockpit, and turning wrenches. I anticipated taking photos of visitors, but as it turned out the photos are more a documentary of Van re-connecting. Enjoy!

Click on photo for link to Picasa Album >>>

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Ernie, what a great set of photos and a real delight to look through.

Reminded me to make a donation to the RV-1 fund...hope it might do the same for a few others :D
Thanks for your excellent portrayal of Van's (and your) excellent adventures!
Makes me feel like I was there :)
I kept looking for the "Best" photo of Van and the RV-1 and gave up after tagging about fifty of 'em....great job Ernie!
great pictures !

Now, this is a long shot but Ernie and I are hoping someone can identify the boy with Van in the last picture - "A picture is worth a thousand words" ...

this is the pic

We have our fingers crossed someone recognizes that smile on the left (we all know who owns the smile on the right !)

Please PM any info you might have.
that is ONE nice lookn RV! wonder if anyone will do a new rv in that paint scheme? we are a lucky group of aviators!!!!!!! thanks van!:)