Very cool! There is a lot of effort going into this project - can't wait to see it parked up at OSH this next year!

Kudos to everyone involved, directly and indirectly!
WOW, for anyone wanting to know how to cut a canopy and skirt!!! I learned a LOT from the pics and comments posted... please keep the pica site up for a while....
The RV-1 is a true "composite" aircraft. All of the disciplines are present! fact, I think I found a bone knife and a bit of a bearskin when cleaning out the tail cone....:p

Glad to see the pictures Ernie - outstanding work on the captions! Louise and I have been so busy on the final push wish the -3 that we haven't goten to visit Jay's now since October. Lots of phone calls on the project - but need to get up there and see that engine!!!
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Very nice canopy picture sequence. That is an instant VAF fiberlassing classic.


While I did take the photos, I'm not a fiberglass guru (or a guru of anything) so take what I say with a grain of salt. It was however my understanding from Gary that this was not a "typical" RV layup. I'll ask Gary to respond with specifics, but notice in the sequence that the layup and PVC tape separate as a unit from the masking tape. Gary did share that his biggest concern was to avoid damage to the paint and/or fabric on the RV-1, and that he believed this modified technique was the best approach. Before he started the job, I did notice that he tested several brands and types of tape both tape to tape and tape to paint/fabric. Just sayin...
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All Gary has to do is think about the glass lay up and it pretty much does what he's thinking. :) Good... NO, He IS Awesome!

I'll have to agree, Darrell. Over the years I've watched Gary's glass and carbon magic - especially on the Flyin' Tiger. Seems that every week or two the Tiger underwent significant firewall forward changes - changes that required modifications to the existing cowl, or in many cases, a new one. Two or three days later - another Gary Hunter masterpiece completed!
what is the purpose of the peel ply as the last lay-up step? I've used it when vacuum bagging but not in a lay-up like this.

Very nice work indeed.
what is the purpose of the peel ply as the last lay-up step? I've used it when vacuum bagging but not in a lay-up like this.

Very nice work indeed.

I use the peel ply for smoothing out the final lay up, makes for a nice easy finish with less finish work, helps to remove air bubbles in the lay up etc... :)