
Well Known Member
Daryl (Maverick) Sahnow (Vans employee) and I had a very enjoyable flight home yesterday after a long and windy weekend at the Golden West Regional Fly In. After a good turnover brief from Tim Cone and phone briefs with Paul and Bob Mills, we departed KMYV. The airplane climbs great and settled in right about 117-120Kts for the trip. Least headwind appeared to be around 8,500' for the 1st leg to Medford.


Escort abeam Mt Shasta...

Landed KMFR for fuel and a much needed leg stretch. I found that my butt and legs began to feel uncomfortable after about an hour and a half into the first leg. The other impression was that this airplane seems really LOUD even with my Bose headsets! On the second leg I used earplugs in addition to the Bose for additional relief.


Seventh inning stretch @ Medford...

We landed KUAO Aurora State around 9:20 or so with clear skies plenty of ambient light (we are nearing the Summer Solstice next week, so twilight here extends quite late).


Family shot...

Rolled the ONE into the hanger with all of it's factory family, took a couple of pics to document the occasion, and headed for home after a long day.


Tired, hungry, and still grinning...

It must feel really great to be part of an historic event like this... bringing her home to the nest and the rest of the RV family. I'm anxious to have an up-close look at her Thurs. evening at our chapter 105 fly-in and BBQ!
Only Two Taildraggers?

What has happened at Van's. I remember when the tricycles were rare! Now the RV-1 looks to be only the second taildragger in the hanger.

Got to admit, the RV-1 adds some class to the place! I'm proud of the work I contributed to this very worthwhile project.
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I just clicked on the thread, not thinking where Aurora is. When I saw the shot of The One in the big hangar with the other RVs, I thought, "Wow ... somebody has a lot of time and money to build so many RVs ..."

The next thought was, "And I've seen those RVs before. Yeah, I recognize THAT one from Oshkosh ... and THAT one ..."

Duh. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Good to see Grandpappy back home with the kids.
Some routine maintenance, a short test flight and a couple landings today to hone up on my short field technique in the ONE. Expect to see a good crowd of ONE admirers at Parkside on Thursday.
How did she fly? Like an RV of course! Well, more like the RV's we know ugly cousin, but I won't judge....
It must feel really great to be part of an historic event like this... bringing her home to the nest and the rest of the RV family. I'm anxious to have an up-close look at her Thurs. evening at our chapter 105 fly-in and BBQ!


This is grass roots aviation and colaboration at it's best! I truely am humbled and thankful for the opportunity to participate in this historic experience. It's the folks involved, those supporting it, and the sharing of ideas and information that make it a successful endevour.
See you at Parkside!
Todays report

Today was a maintenance day for the ONE. JJ (JonJay on VAF) showed up at Vans and took on the maintenance task. An oil change and a close inspection revelealed nothing much amiss with the bird. Prototype Shop guru Scott McDaniels lent a helping hand and a watchful eye...


An engine run test was conducted with JJ at the helm to assure all was well...


Even the 'NW Tour RV-1 #3' pilot, Len Kaufman, showed up in his RV-8 to sit in the ONE and taxi it. You may know Len by his other name, 'Nel', in Lauren Paine's writings... :D


"Honey, You'll never guess what airplane I'm sitting in!"

Parkside EAA105 Chapter meeting up next for the ONE...
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You know, I think there's a picture of the ONE up on that wall of photos on the back of the hanagr, isn't there? Sort of a "full circle" thing....
"The airplane climbs great and settled in right about 117-120Kts for the trip, appeared to be around 8,500' for the 1st leg to Medford.

Escort abeam Mt Shasta...

Landed KMFR for fuel and a much needed leg stretch.

Seventh inning stretch @ Medford...

Tired, hungry, and still grinning..."


Would much rather have escorted you in RV-1 to KMFR than sitting here in Greece on Fire Standby Duty. Thanks for the post and hope Butch & Bryan had a chance to look her over.

Blue Skys My Friend,

Joe had his hand in the maintenance too. I let him finish up safety wiring the gascolator screws, the hard ones next to the inlet elbow.

You have to leave your mark somewhere. I left mine on the inside of the rear baffle. It was fun seeing all the names written there, people I have met like Rosie, and people I would like to meet like Tate and Danny. Cool. Lot's of hands put there efforts in.

Of course, if there is safety wire within a hundred feet of me, there will be blood! Nice contrast with the yellow.
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Would much rather have escorted you in RV-1 to KMFR than sitting here in Greece on Fire Standby Duty. Thanks for the post and hope Butch & Bryan had a chance to look her over.

Blue Skys My Friend,


Hey Rotor!

How's it going? I thought of you when we stopped by Medford Air, but knew you were probably still in Greece. Hopefully they are treating you well over there. I also though Butch and Brian Milani might want to have a look at the ONE but they were not around. I even had the receptionist at the FBO try to give them a call. No joy... Besides we were being pushed for daylight and couldn't have hung around all that long. Let me know when you are back so we can get you more wingtime...:D
You know, I think there's a picture of the ONE up on that wall of photos on the back of the hanagr, isn't there? Sort of a "full circle" thing....

It is on the wall right next to were the right wing tip of the One is positioned.

It is an old calendar photo. Part of the Wall of Fame that has developed on the hangar wall over the years (I think there is about 12 years worth of calendar photos there).

The photo was shot at OSH 91. If I remembr right, the owner had just completed a (sort of) restoration and attempted to repainting it to look like it had when Van original sold it. I believe the owner had flown it up from Tx.
The photo was shot at OSH 91. If I remembr right, the owner had just completed a (sort of) restoration and attempted to repainting it to look like it had when Van original sold it. I believe the owner had flown it up from Tx.

The owner of the RV-1 in '91 when the photo was taken at OSH was Mr. Ted Filer whose home field then and now is RWJ Airpark in Baytown, TX. Mr. Filer purchased the RV-1 in '89 and using every photograph and resource he could put his hands on, re-painted the RV-1 to match Van's original paint scheme. Mr. Filer's home and hangar opens onto a beautiful grass strip at RWJ Airpark, and a best guess from Mr. Filer (no log entries) is that during the 22 years he owned the RV-1 he flew it between 800 and 1,000 hours. Following is an ownership summary of the RV-1...

** Richard K. Calvin should read Richard K. Cavin **
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Latest RV-1 pilot

Len Kaufman (aka 'Nel') got his chance to take a crack at flying the ONE today. Len's a former military and airline guy (MD-11, OV-1, UH-1, and probably other cool stuff), can fly just about anything it appears, and regularly trades jabs with Lauren Paine.

By the 3rd landing I felt he was just showing off and ordered him off the runway... :rolleyes: Some guys have more in their bag of tricks than others. He done real good...

EAA Chapter 105 Monthly meeting

In the Portland area, our local EAA Chapter 105 conducts a monthly meeting at various build sites or interesting locales. Typically the June meeting is reserved for the BBQ at the residential Parkside airport (WA87). An absolutley spectacular airpark with many RV projects, pilots, and some very interesting non-RV offerings too.

Jon Freideman thought it would be neat to display the ONE there. It's a challenging runway environment if you've never seen it before, but JJ's had plenty of experience since he lives there with his RV-6, Bucker, and someday a Fiat G.46. All in all, there were over 70 folks and 20-some aircraft that arrived. Here are some pics from the event:


The ONE begins to draw a crowd.


Some of the many aircraft that attended the event.


The ONE's display signage...


The ONE display at JonJay's abode...
EAA 105 Ferry flight to Parkside

At Van's factory hangar.

There is Mel's signature on the AW cert.

Obligitory air to air somewhere east of Portland.

RV Grin happy to be at Parkside.

Special thanks to John Pallister who conducted escort duties to and from Parkside in his 6.
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It was GREAT to see this wonderful bit of history at Parkside. The RV-1, combined with the perfect weather, fabulous food, great people, and of course, the amazing Parkside Air Park, made for an evening we'll never forget. Thanks for the write-up, Joe! :)
Lenhardt's Airport

The ONE made it's way over to Lenhardt's Airport (7S9) today for the Friday morning coffee and donuts. This airport has historical significance in the overall picture of Van's Aircraft. Van frequented (and probably still does) this airport in the early days as evidenced in this thread: Who knows, maybe this is not the ONE's first trip here...

Not long ago, airport owner Jack Lenhardt owned and flew the only other known example of an RV-1. The aircraft is still around in the Oregon area and actually is for sale from what I've heard. We might try to get the 2 of them together for a photo op...:D
Jack has passed on but his son Glen still runs the airport. It's a great place...


Once the ONE got back to Aurora State (UAO) it went on display at the Aurora JetCenter for the Friday lunch BBQ. They are great folks and right next door to Van's Aircraft if you ever stop by here.
Unfortunately due to worse than forecasted weather today, the ONES scheduled trip to the Langely BC Fly In was cancelled. :(

The same system is continuing to drop snow in the Cascade Mountains at this time... Isn't this supposed to be June? :rolleyes:
tour? Joe, I know it is still a ways out, but is there a rough timeline/routing for RV-1 from Arlington to OSH? We were just discussing it this morning.

PM or email if you [email protected]
Lenhardts OPA Meeting & Becks BBQ Events

Life's been pretty busy lately to add any posts for the last week or so, but this should catch everyone up on the ONE's recent activity. Unfortunatley the Langley BC trip was cancelled due to adverse weather. While the rest of the country swelters, it is still late winter or at least some version of spring here in the NW. Oddly enough, freezing levels were down around 5,000' with some snow accumulations at the ski resorts, which are oddly enough, closed for the summer... :rolleyes:

On to the Lenhardt's Oregon Pilots Assn. meeting, where featured speaker Gus Funnel from Van's gave a nice talk and powerpoint on the history of the RV-1 and how it ties in with the 40th Anniversary of Van's. About 50 attendees swarmed over the ONE which produced a lot of questions and photo ops. The following pic is one of my favorites... This little gal was SO excited to sit in the ONE...!

There is a local family BBQ that occurs around these parts in the spring at the Beck farm. It's potluck style and the little farm that hosts it has about the smoothest, well manicured, grass strips that I've ever touched down on. We've gone to this event for the past 4 years and it's always a great time. We decided to stick Len (Nel) Kaufman in the ONE and send it over there as something fun to do and a way to expose people to it's history. Gus Funnel flew escort in the RV-12 for the 7 mile trip over...


This pic gives you the feel and view that this area provides. Green countryside and Cascade Peaks on the horizon with the ONE waiting to depart the fly in for Aurora...
This pic gives you the feel and view that this area provides. Green countryside and Cascade Peaks on the horizon with the ONE waiting to depart the fly in for Aurora...

Sure that's not a golf course? Beautiful!

I'm glad to see you are exercising The One!
RV-1 visits the EAA105 breakfast yesterday

Well, summer is finally here. I think it started July 5th...:rolleyes: So we decided to break out the RV-1 again and send it over to the EAA105 breakfast yesterday at Twin Oaks Airport (7S3). Len Kaufman did the flying duties again. (I think he's actually beginning to like flying the ONE...) We managed to get a couple of pics with at least one famous individual... ;-)


Since the weather was excellant, we had lots of aircraft fly in with hungry flight crews...


Once the chapter was out of pancakes and grits, Len headed her home back to the mothership. I managed to get this shot of the ONE with Mt. Hood in the background...

So did RV move from Forest Grove, OR to Forest Grove, MI? Odd that they have the same name. Or maybe a typo?

Neat history lesson!
The RV-1 "On to OSH Tour"

Well things are getting pretty busy and I should have probably have had this task done a month ago, but it seems something always got in the way...:rolleyes:

I'm doing the flight plan for the RV-1 and the two RV-12 escort ships tour from Aurora to OSH. We'd like to make a few stops along the way to show off the airplanes and perhap trade hanger lies over a hamburger. Of course all of this is weather dependant...

Our first planned event stop is at Townsend MT, to meet up with EAA Chapter 344. Brian Carroll (hydroguy2) is coordinating that stop and we've already been in contact.

So if you are along a rough line from Oregon to Wisconsin and are interested in seeing a piece of this flying historical artifact, contact me via PM and we will see what we can work out.

See you at OSH!

Looking forward to it....actually I have 30-40 people on my notification list that are interested.

What day are you heading this direction?

Also Brent Travis said he could make a lunch stop in KCOE if that's along your path? Brent email: n999bt(at)
the RV-1 and the two RV-12 escort ships
See you at OSH!

Good match up with the speed range, also, kinda neat to have the first and latest of the designs flying together.

Good luck, wish I was going to be there with you guys.
Curious on the dates too. We hope to camp for one night at 8U8 on Thursday the 19th.

I don't really know much about Towsend, but since Brian talks it up a lot, I thought it would be as good a spot as any. :D

Especially now if RV UNO is going to swing by!
The RV-1 "On to OSH Tour" con't...

Looking forward to it....actually I have 30-40 people on my notification list that are interested.

What day are you heading this direction?

Also Brent Travis said he could make a lunch stop in KCOE if that's along your path? Brent email: n999bt(at)


Here is what the flight itinerary is looking like. The flight will consist of the RV-1, Teen Flight RV-12 (flown by teen builder Aric Kraus and Scott McDaniels), and the Red Factory RV-12 (flown by Van's guy Sterling Langrell)

Depart Thursday 7/19:
UAO -> LWS (287 sm - Fuel)
LWS -> 8U8 (263 sm - Fuel, BBQ w/EAA344-Brian Carrol)
8U8 -> BIL (145 sm - Overnight/Fuel)

Friday 7/20
BIL -> HEI (283 sm - Fuel)
HEI -> LVN (355 sm - Fuel/Overnight)

Saturday 7/21
LVN -> OSH (234 sm - OSH Arrival)

We'd like to try to hook up with Stein or an EAA Chapter in the Minneapolis area at Airlake MN (LVN) and maybe do something of a BBQ event there. Stein are you game? Post or PM me if you are... The factory RV-10 with Gus and Daryl may also be in position to make this stop too...

Of course all of this is weather dependent and maybe get modified at a moments notice. I'll keep posting updates on this thread...

The ONE heads up to Arlington, WA this afternoon for that show...:D
Just sent out a mass email for all Montana RV's and homebuilders to come to 8U8 on the 19th. If the weather holds we should have a good turnout.

email me if you're headed this direction. [email protected]

Jeff, looks like you'll be right on time. I'll be pointing Aurora to OSH friday morning, too. So will my Bonanza neighbor
RV-1 arrives at Arlington (AWO)

The flight up to Arlington yesterday was nice and cool at 8,500'. It didn't start out that way though. It was quite warm in Oregon for us Northwesterners, who never see the sun except for a couple of times a year. When I climbed into the ONE to go, I was just dripping with sweat. Ugh! So I positioned the aircraft in the large hanger, had Ken Scott help me get belted in, then had him shove me out the door, fired up and left. Arrived AWO about 1.7 later. I did pass the setup crew (Daryl & Lindsey in the -9A) in flight around Renton WA as they were heading south. We briefly chatted on the radio and they gave me the scoop regarding the booth setup. Nice flight all things considered.

Ken Scott arrived this morning in the RV-10 with several Van's employees (Adam, Amber, and Vonn) who typically don't get to go to the shows. It was a welcome break for them...:)



Adam and Amber share a laugh in front of a CH-47...


The B-17 Sentimental Journey taxis by the Vans booth and the RV-1...
On to OSH!

A flight of 3 RV's departed Vans Aircraft this morning with a tyical NW Oregon gray overcast and light winds. The Teen Flight RV-12, the Red factory RV-12 demo, and the RV-1 were Oshkosh bound! Heading east, we took the only available route out of the Portland area, which was the Columbia River Gorge. It was quite scenic flying the gorge at a couple of thousand feet looking DOWN on all of those waterfalls along the way. Once we popped out at Hood River, we were treated to bright sun and clear skies.

Next stop was Grangeville ID (KGIC) where we stopped, fueled and took at break.

Departing GIC we next had to climb out over the Bitteroot Range of the Rockies. Big mountains and lots of rocks! After we topped out at 11.5, the ride was smooth and cool.:cool: I had a chance to get some good shots of Aric Krause and Scott McDaniels in the Teenflight RV-12...


Now heading for Townsend MT and a planned BBQ at 8U8, arranged by Hydroguy2 (Brain Carroll). We were running a little late but it all worked out. Brian and his crew threw a great little reception and BBQ for the escort and ONE pilots. Many thanks again to these folks for feeding the crew!



Left to right: Sterling Langrell, Brian Carroll, Joe Blank, Aric Krause, Scott McDaniels.

One last leg over to Billings MT (KBIL)... All airplanes in hangers for the night. This puts us in great shape for tomorrows run to Hettinger ND, Aberdeen SD, and over to Airlake to visit Stein and crew. See you there!:D
Final for OSH...

I didn't get a chance to post yesterdays legs, so I combined them with todays...

Day 2 covered ground from Billings MT to Lakeville MN where EAA Chapter 25 and Stein Bruch hosted a pizza feed reception for the ONES arrival. Vans guys, Gus and Daryl, even caught up with us in the RV-10, 5 minutes from landing at Airlake (LVN), after launching out of Aurora OR earlier that morning. That -10 is a fast cross country machine!

MANY THANKS to those folks for treating the ONE crew so well. Stein with the RV-1...


Of course all of the aircraft were hangered in style!


Saturday morning we had to deal with a line of thunderstorms threatening to cut out path down to the OSH area. With the aid of XM weather, Scott McDaniels was able to nav us around all of the nastiness and clear a path down to an unnamed airport in the OSH vicinity. The one is now staged there awaiting Van's arrival to fly it the final leg of its adventure into the 40th Anniversary celebration of Vans influence on the aviation community. Be there on Monday afternoon to participate in this joyous event!

Here are a few lasting images that are now burned into my memory of this wonderful past 6 weeks of hosting this one of a kind aircraft. A big thank you to Paul, Louise, Ernie, and the rest of the RV-1 team of pilots, escorts, and friends for allowing me to help out with this historic project!




RV-1 inbound for OSH...