A Remarkable Story In Seventeen Minutes

Call me a sentimental fool but watching this video really got to me. A true American, that's right AMERICAN, story. Only it's not fiction, it is real. A man has an idea, acts upon it and it grows into something remarkable. And is still growing. Manufacturing is said to be dwindling in the USA but here is an example of what we still can do. Thank you for this excellent video production. I am not using hyperbole when I state that Dick VanGrunsven will be looked upon with the same reverence and respect that other American geniuses like Carroll Shelby and William Harley and the Davidson Brothers have earned.
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That is awesome! I'm glad someone did this - that whole effort with the RV-1 was truely a class act! Makes me proud to be associated with such a great group of aviators and the best kit aircraft company in the world!

George, I must have been standing next to you at the ceremony when the keys were handed over to the museum. You produced a great video capturing the RV1?s tour and final arrival to Oshkosh! I was fortunate enough to see the RV1 hosted by our EAA Chapter 1250 at Heritage field PA, thanks to efforts of Mark Santoleri.
rv1 flying.jpg

Flying at KPTW
rv1 w n25dv.jpg

I even had a photo op with my infant RV12 and her father RV1 back in April. (She is now painted and flying.) Marks RV9 on the left

In June visited Bob Avery at his shop on a Saturday and he was gracious enough to show us around and telling his perspective on the RV1 project and some of the challenges he had fabricating parts.

At Oshkosh multiple opportunities to talk with many of the people involved with the project. It was interesting hearing everyone?s views and involvement with the project. A project of this size and number of volunteers to pull it off is truly a passion and commitment to aviation.

Your video and editing was well done - VAF hats off to you!

I look forward to visiting the Museum in the years to come and remembering the tour. :D
Thanks for the video, nothing will ever be able to replace actually being there, but for those of us who did not make the big O this year, it sure does fill in some of the blanks.

Much appreciated.