Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
The RV-1 had a great weekend at Stanley, NS, and now it will be heading to Smiths Falls for a night or two before heading on to St. Thomas and then Windsor. Dale Lamport will fly me to Bromont, and I'll accept the aircraft from the NB RV guys and fly it to Smiths Falls. We should arrive sometime in the last half of Monday afternoon. You should be able to track its progress on its Spot page.

I'll hang around CYSH on Monday, 21 May, until at least 8:00 PM, so anyone who is interested can come see it. Assuming good weather it will be on the main ramp. If we have a surprise rain shower, we'll move it to Ken Tattersall's hangar, on west end of the hangar line which is the furtherest from the runway.

We can fire up the BBQ at the club house if anyone wants to grill something. There are cheap, greasy, hamburgers, hot dogs and stale buns available. If you value your taste buds I'd recommend you bring your own food.

Kevin Horton