Well Known Member
In an effort to get the word out about The One traversing the US and Canada, some fliers (or flyers -- I had to research which is correct and ... as you might imagine ... it all depends on which source you believe!) have been produced to be printed and posted or e-mailed.

Because I don't think we can add files to posts here on VAF, E-MAIL me if you'd like to have copies of the fliers to print, post or e-mail.

[email protected]

The first two are generic PDFs. They can be printed and the date, time, and place of the RV-1's stop can be handwritten in or a printer can mass-produce them with info added professionally. The first one has a small area for the information and the second has a larger text box. Pick whichever works better for you.

The third PDF is specific for the OH-IN-IL segment of the Barnstorming Tour. It's ready to go with specifics on the stops at KTDZ, 3C1 and C75. If you live anywhere within RV-range of those three airports, feel free to print out a bunch and fly around to your local aerodromes, stapling them to FBO billboards.

If you're feeling lucky, I also have the fliers in Word format, if you'd like to enter the specific stop info about a stop near you on your computer and print it out. The PDF documents can't be added to very easily.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions about the fliers/flyers.

Various folks are working on getting the RV-1 Fliers hosted and posted both here and on the RV-1.org site.

So far, I have e-mailed the OH/IN/IL flier to every EAA chapter in OH, MI, IN and IL (the ones with valid contact e-mail addresses).

Once the fliers links are posted, please do the same. It shouldn't take much effort if one or two RVers take the time to e-mail the fliers out to other states' chapters and airports along the route.

Sure would be nice to give as many folks as possible the opportunity to witness and be a part of sport aviation history!
Thanks, Don!

One of the amazing and very satisfying aspects of putting this tour together has been how many people have stepped forward to share the load. Not only did we have about 50 people work on the restoration while the plane was at Hicks, we've since had dozens of people help do further work on the plane, help man the display at Sun'n'Fun, help move the plane around SnF, provide hangar space, and host gatherings at Spruce Creek and Savannah. And, we've only begun!

Thanks to everyone who helps Don distribute this nice flyer and thanks to Don and Melissa for putting the flyer together!

I was discussing the RV-1 tour with my local EAA chapter president a few days ago. He was on board with it but wanted more details. PDF like this I can print out and get all of Montana on board (well I hope)

Hoping the schedule and weather will allow a RON in Townsend. I spoke with the Hangar home owner, where I house Aurora, and he is on board to host whatever size event we need. Might even have the TV or newspaper come out for a little hometown coverage.