
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well folks – the tour is about to start! The RV-1 is going to be leaving Texas on or about the 10th of March, headed east to Alabama. Because the RV-1 is minimally equipped, part of our operating philosophy is that it will be accompanied by an escort plane on all cross-country tips. The escort will be responsible for evaluating Weather, scouting ahead if required, and helping the RV-1 pilot with decision making for stops and routes. The escort plane will ideally also be able to return the RV-1 pilot to home base after they hand over the airplane to the next pilot. The complete list of requirements/duties is shown below. While the “Friends of the RV-1” organization will be covering RV-1 expenses, donations to date have not provided enough funding to pay for escort airplane operations, so we are looking for folks who can cover their own costs for a day of flying (Since the organization is a registered non-profit, you may be able to deduct your expenses – please check with your tax professional!).

Escort duty is NOT formation flying, so an FFI card is not required, but experience operating with other aircraft will be a plus. Our emphasis is on judgment and cross-country experience.

With that pre-amble out of the way, please let me know here or with a PM if you are able, interested, and willing to provide escort for this first of many legs on the RV-1 tour! Under perfect conditions, the trip should be doable in a single day….the RV-1 pilot’s backside permitting. The aircraft will depart from 52F (or T67) and end up at 08A (Wetumpka), just north of Montgomery. We need to pin this down as soon as possible, so please check if you are up for an interesting cross-country.

Escort Plane Requirements
• Capable of 500 mile range, cruise speed range from 90 – 150 knots
• Weather and GPS equipped
• Good communication radios (dual channel Comm preferred but not required to maintain A/A with RV-1 while talking to CTAF/Tower)
• Ability to carry RV-1 pilot for return trip along with their personal gear (30 lbs). Need to carry RV-1 accessories (50 lbs) on escort portion of trip.
• RV’s preferred, but factory built aircraft are OK.

Escort Pilot requirements
• Private pilot or better
• 200 hours Cross-country time
• Regional experience for terrain/weather/airspace
• Comfortable/experienced in towered/controlled airspace if appropriate for the route of flight

Please PM me or post here if you think you can help out. We're really looking forward to community support for this effort - and this role is a great excuse to go flying!

I'd be more than happy to do it if someone wants to "loan me" their gas card :D
Gee, I don't know, who is going to be the pilot of the RV1 out there :). Gotta' have a way to judge who we would be supporting...

I have my own gas card.
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Close aboard..


Thanks for what you and the other volunteers are doing with the RV-1 tour.
FYI, contrary to popular belief, a formation card is only required to perform formation flying in waivered airspace during an airshow. Otherwise only a pre-briefing is required per FAA regs. Formation flying with the RV-1 outside of airshows would qualify.
Count me in for leg 2.

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PM sent ...


Thanks for what you and the other volunteers are doing with the RV-1 tour.
FYI, contrary to popular belief, an FFI card is only required to perform formation flying in waivered airspace during an airshow. Otherwise only a pre-briefing is required per FAA regs. Formation flying with the RV-1 outside of airshows would qualify.
Count me in for leg 2.


Rob see PM. Would like to sync up.

Gee, I don't know, who is going to be the pilot of the RV1 out there :). Gotta' have a way to judge who we would be supporting...

I have my own gas card.

Reasonable point, Scott. Roy Geer is slated to be the RV-1 pilot on this leg.

Just a heads-up for anyone responding to Paul. He has a time-consuming project at work for the next few days AND we have the EAA webinar tonight. So, don't be surprised/discouraged if it takes a few days for him to get back to you.
I have my own gas card.

I have beer, beds, etc for you.

If you get up early and make good time, Saturday happens to be Chapter 822's Steak Cookout Day. Eatin' starts about 1pm.

And you won't starve no matter when you get here ;)
Well it looks like Scott Card got on the list a while back and is ready to go. That will make him No. one.
Walt you would be No. two but my wife won't let me have a credic card.
That leaves Dave B "DBone" to be the backup escort if you are still in.
It Looks like at least one stop at John H Hooks (M79) then on to Wetumpka (08A) for the turnover. That will be 4:15 to 4:30 one way.
I am looking forward to it.

Hi Paul. If Georgia is on the list of trips, count me and the -10 in. I could meet in Wetumpka and escort then.

Hi Paul. If Georgia is on the list of trips, count me and the -10 in. I could meet in Wetumpka and escort then.


There will be a stop or three in Georgia. Definately after SnF (Savannah) and maybe before. Please send me your phone and email so I can put it on the list and have it available when the time comes to look for escort pilots.

Same to others along the tour route....

Pierre touch base with me

Hi Paul. If Georgia is on the list of trips, count me and the -10 in. I could meet in Wetumpka and escort then.



Contact me when you can regarding SE ferrying.



jclarkmail ---at---
Thanks everyone! I guess I should have more total immersion days at work so that things get taken care of in my absence....

Looks like Roy has the leg under control, and I can start thinking about the future stuff!

Smoky, you make a good point that some folks might not understand. FFI cards are only required (by the FAA) for formation in waivered airspace, and we understand that - I fly lots of two-ship formation for test and photo purposes, but don't hold an FFI card. but if we WERE planning on close formation with he RV-1, using the FFI card as a requirement is a quick way to understand an individual's experience level - just an easy credential check. that's the only reason I referred to it.
Thanks everyone! I guess I should have more total immersion days at work so that things get taken care of in my absence....

Looks like Roy has the leg under control, and I can start thinking about the future stuff!

Smoky, you make a good point that some folks might not understand. FFI cards are only required (by the FAA) for formation in waivered airspace, and we understand that - I fly lots of two-ship formation for test and photo purposes, but don't hold an FFI card. but if we WERE planning on close formation with he RV-1, using the FFI card as a requirement is a quick way to understand an individual's experience level - just an easy credential check. that's the only reason I referred to it.

Yet it just so happens that the first leg will be flown by two members of "Falcon Flight". Roy flying the -1 and myself as support... A complete accident, I promise, really :).
Don't get set on the DATE just yet. The LR weather is for chance of rain from 3/7 to 3/13 at Hicks.
I am optimistic because my forcast is as good as there's.;)
Scott Sick?

I'm jealous and trying to figure out how to make an inconvenient <or is that convenient> illness hit about the 8th.
Don't get set on the DATE just yet. The LR weather is for chance of rain from 3/7 to 3/13 at Hicks.
I am optimistic because my forcast is as good as there's.;)

Ahhhh, these threads are going to be fun. They should be kept individual for each leg. I'm sure we're all really looking forward to this. I know I am. This support crew is going to be prepared with a full fuel stop qualified lunch (one hand on the pump, the other on a sandwich), maybe even a cookie involved for the PIC.
Of course Scott, you realize that one of the duties of the escort is to prevent impromptu join-ups on the RV-1.....maybe I should have specified armaments! ;)

Looks like a great team for the first leg. Twelve day out forecasts? Tea leaves....

Of course Scott, you realize that one of the duties of the escort is to prevent impromptu join-ups on the RV-1.....maybe I should have specified armaments! ;)

Looks like a great team for the first leg. Twelve day out forecasts? Tea leaves....


Uh, yeah. I may be "new", but have become quite skilled at fending off the bogies. And of course, was once advised by some old fogie, to never cancel a flight op due to weather before you get to the airport. I'll keep Jarhead in check :).

Impromptu join-up? The planned flight is over a week from now.
Plenty of time to brief:D

I just love formation flying and look for any opportunity to join up!

I think a nice photo of the RV-1 with escort flying over the Mississippi would be cool.

I'm jealous and trying to figure out how to make an inconvenient <or is that convenient> illness hit about the 8th.

Hey're the hotel reward point totals looking these days? Looks like you may need to sequester yourself in the days before launch...or hire a food taster! (Someone is plotting!) :eek: (;))

I also see that the hits on experimental air to air radar have been up recently! :D

Have fun guys!

Hey're the hotel reward point totals looking these days? Looks like you may need to sequester yourself in the days before launch...or hire a food taster! (Someone is plotting!) :eek: (;))

I also see that the hits on experimental air to air radar have been up recently! :D

Have fun guys!


I volunteer to test all the cookies! :D