
Well Known Member
I'm just posting a few photos right now and may add more later. The weather was cool with low ceilings and afternoon rain, which resulted in low attendance. A lot of folks however visited RV-1. Some knew all about it and others had little knowledge of aviation, so the Fly-In and RV-1 both attracted a good cross section of people.

This was a scene you'd see frequently until the rain came - everyone wanted their picture with the RV.


Here's a combination VAF hat sighting and a photo op with RV-1. On the right is scrollF4 (Sid "Scroll" Mayeux, Col, USAF, a member here and an RV-7a builder) and on the left, is Steve Steinbeck, who enjoys visiting me to help move my very slow RV-9a build along.


Finally, the rains came in a little after 2 pm and RV-1 was put in the hanger early. The Fighter Factory volunteered the hanger space, and provided some interesting multinational company for RV-1. On the left is a Polykarpov TU-2, that Russian Night Witches used to harass German invaders during WWII. They flew at night. Immediately behind RV-1 is another piece of Russian history, a MIG 3. Further back is an A-26 (USA) and out of the picture to the right is a ME-262. Vlad is in the photo (he just pushed RV-1 in and is standing by the prop) - he seemed to enjoy the planes and the fact that Tom Kurtz (chief mechanic with the FF) knew his Russian aircraft history better than a lot of Russians.

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Great report and pictures Don - we were wondering how the weekend went - looks like despite the weather, the RV-1 was able to reach more folks!

Thanks again for taking on the responsibility to wrangel the RV-1 at the show - it is the start of a very busy month for the airplane on that end of the continent.

We look forward to seeing more pictures when you get a chance.

Don is right - the RV-1 was a photo magnet! Once. All the picts get downloaded/uploaded there should be a nice story to share of the "ONE" and it's visit to Virginia!
Thanks for the reports and photos! Great to see more folks enjoying the -1. Did the RV parade happen?

If you are in the Mid-Atlantic area, we plan several more opportunities to see the -1. Check out the schedule at:
Thanks for the reports and photos! Great to see more folks enjoying the -1. Did the RV parade happen?

We had good time. Volunteers got me a spot by RV1 :)


Parade of Planes did happened but it was not as planned. Local FSDO put a limit on altitude. Instead of low pass in sequence as was originally planned we did three passes at 1000 feet :(

Three RVs participated. Rick, Bill and I. Everybody enjoyed tremendously.


It rained on our parade :D My RV got soaking wet.


I would like extend personal appreciation and thanks to Don Alexander who invited and hosted me. Thank You Sir.
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Just a quick word... say it was great to meet Vlad, Steve, and Don: Three fine gentlemen, all spendid Vans' Air Force representatives. Of course, seeing the RV-1 is a real eye-opener :cool:

Vlad, you did an outstanding job on your 9A...beautiful workmanship, my friend. It really makes me happy to see you taking advantage of her crosscountry legs to see this country. Хорошо, сэр. (Man, I hope the Google translator's not set to "make Scroll sound like an idiot"'s supposed to read, "Well done, Sir."). :eek: