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Today there is a photo of Van sitting in the RV-1. Also, another photo is below it with Paul Dye talking to Van while he is seated in the RV-1. We need more photos!
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I can only imagine the emotions of this reunion and the significance of what Van and that airplane have created.

If you see Van, tell him "Thanks!", from a fellow glider pilot. ;)
I can just hear him now ...

In my mind's eye I see Van looking down at his RV-1 and walking slowly around it. He opens the canopy, slides slowly and carefully down into the seat, careful not to snag any wires or cables with his knees. He smiles for the cameras.

Then, slowly reversing the procedure, he climbs out and looks at the restored plane and says, "Well, you guys did a great job with it. Thanks." Then turns and walks away to go work the tent some more. :D

Sounds about right, doesn't it?
How did you know

In my mind's eye I see Van looking down at his RV-1 and walking slowly around it. He opens the canopy, slides slowly and carefully down into the seat, careful not to snag any wires or cables with his knees. He smiles for the cameras.

Then, slowly reversing the procedure, he climbs out and looks at the restored plane and says, "Well, you guys did a great job with it. Thanks." Then turns and walks away to go work the tent some more. :D

Sounds about right, doesn't it?

Don, I didn't see you there but that was how it happened. What an honor to be there to take that picture.
Well, it was a lot like Don described.... Except that Van spent most of the rest of the day with the ONE and let the rest of the guys set up the company tent!

It was a day to remember , that's for sure!
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nice to watch

We were at Sun & Fun and snapped this picture of Van examining the RV1 with Paul.


Van was clearly enjoying reviewing the RV1.
it looks like a perfect week for RV-1 to be at snf. any flyers into florida should be very happy to be headed south. me headed NW. see you there. :)
Don, I didn't see you there but that was how it happened. What an honor to be there to take that picture.

LOL! I was just guessing, Jerry. I've been around Van enough over the years to know that he's a man of few words.

I'm also guessing that it was pretty cool to be there when it happened. Even if he didn't express a lot in words or emotion, I'm sure there was a lot going on under the surface, as evidenced by his hanging around The One and going over it with Paul. I'm sure he wasn't just being cordial.

Well done, everybody! :D
Wow!! What a special moment.

Thanks for sharing it with those of us who can't be there.

I picked a fine time to get a new job! :(
Van & the "1"

Someone suggested I offer Van a ride and his reply was " I got feet", typical Van. His reunion with the "1" was very moving for me as I just finished the "7" Miss Sandy and was the 1st RV into SNF HB this year. Feelt pretty cool.
Good job, Paul, on the interview. Not only are you a good pilot, you are an excellent speaker on camera. All that "on-air" experience at work pays off in your personal life, too. ;)

Great seeing the original RV-1 restoration completed. I recall the RV-1 when it was a "new airplane" with a much younger Van. Looks great.