
I'm New Here
Hi folks. This is my first post. I am in the inventory phase of my 9A and as I removed the parts from the crates I came across the gear axles. I thought they were a bit rusty. Did anybody have this same condition? How to protect it? Sanding or just applying a layer of grease? Thanks.
Hi Tom! Thanks a lot. I will try to clean it up and will post the result.
Santa Maria, DF, Brazil
A scotchbrite pad will clean it up pretty good.
Just don't use that scotchbrite pad on aluminum after using it on steal parts or visa-a-versa. You don't want to cross contaminate parts. Same goes for using a sanding belt, don't use the same belt on both steel and aluminum parts.
I had the same problem when I got my kit a year ago. The usual scotch-brite pad works great, I then put a little light oil on it and wrapped them back up in cling wrap to store them again. I recently had to get the legs down for the drilling of the weldments and everything was fine after the storage.

It's a constant battle in these humid climates as you well know.