
Well Known Member
Just started working on my nose gear and noticed it rusted.



Van's says to use a wire brush to knock off the rust, coat with linseed oil, and move on. I don't like having to deal with rust on a new $500 part I picked up just 4 months ago. Is it common to get parts in this condition? None of the other non-powder-coated steel parts I've received thus far have any rust.


I agree with Van's on this one. If you receive any metal parts that are not painted, primed or power coated you should take steps to protect them from rust. Oil or a light coat of grease will protect the part until you are ready to use them. Although our climate is not as damp as Seattle, parts can quickly rust here, at certain times of the year, if they are not tended to.
This appears to be surface rust, of no real consequence and should cause no long lasting issues if you clean and treat as they suggest.