Have you read the news lately? We are about 2 steps away from war with Russia.

The media says the Russians are already in Georgia, but my recon flights over the weekend did not detect any enemy forces. I'll keep patrolling my sector of middle Georgia and will report any suspicious activity.
Jus' tryin' to help. :)
Familiar pictures

Some of the pictures on this Russian site are very familiar http://www.cetus.aero/text/76659058. The shot of the formation against the Guadalupe Mountains is certainly distinctive. A cursory search doesn't reveal the photographers but I think I have seen some of the pictures on this site.

Anyone know who took any of these and if permission was solicited for their use?

Since I am on the fuselage now should I design a bomb rack, curious if anyone has done this for the RV-8. It would be fun to drop some flour bombs on a weekend fly-in. Of course a waiver would be required from the FAA I guess. I recall some stories of friendly flour bombing competitions long ago.

Rockets that would be cool, yeah that's the ticket:D

Since I am on the fuselage now should I design a bomb rack, curious if anyone has done this for the RV-8. It would be fun to drop some flour bombs on a weekend fly-in. Of course a waiver would be required from the FAA I guess. I recall some stories of friendly flour bombing competitions long ago.

Rockets that would be cool, yeah that's the ticket:D


I have a design in mind, based on Ironflight's (Paul's) tie-down camera mount. My thought was to run wires out the wing conduit, exit the inspection panel next to the tie-down and connect to a solenoid, which would drop the flour bomb. My preliminary design would hold one flour sack per wing so you could make two passes.

No waiver required from the FAA, as far as I know. Home Land Security aka the Gestapo might be another matter.
Hung Ordinance

What happens when the bomb doesn't release and you have to RTB with LIVE flour bombs. Could get ugly.:p

Wow: Talk about thread creep!!!!
Interesting. They link both Van's Aircraft and these forums. So, are they acting as importers of Van's kits? Or are they manufacturing their own version? And I wonder how hard it is to get a Lyclone in Russia?
Regarding 'bombing'...

An older gentleman around here is really into dropping candy at a children's event (ala the Berlin Airlift). He installed a vertical chute behind the horizontal seat back brace. While flying, he overflies the kids and drops candy thru the chute.

As Sgt. Friday asked, I'm 'Just reporting the facts.'
While flying, he overflies the kids and drops candy thru the chute.

Story Time! :D

We had an ultralite candy drop a few years back. First drop went fine, but no told the pilot to wait until the kids were off the grass for the second drop. It was ugly. Kids crying everywhere after getting pelted with candy doing 60+ MPH (closing in on terminal velosity, pun intended;)). What was even uglier was the adults took the field to get the candy. These weren't Hersey kisses..no, they were full size Snickers! :eek: OH the humanity! I'm sure the kids were traumatized for life. We set Young Eagles back a few steps that day, but it was just too funny. I'm happy to report no kids were hurting during the creation of this story.

Reminded my of the WKRP show when they did the turkey drop on Thanksgiving. "God as my witness I though turkeys could fly".
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Here is Arkansas we have an event called Turkey Trot. It is a local festival with beauty pagents,(Miss Drimsticks) and we dropped turkeys a few times until one never opened its wings and made a lawn dart out of itself in front of the crowd. Yeah they can fly, sometimes. Between the turkey poop and the lady in the back of the Citabria that helped chuck them out the door puking all over, the plane was just about totaled. Sure glad it wasn't mine. :)

I find it a bit interesting that they advertise that they don't install any of the equipment that they don't need because it does not work over there.
" On our aircraft we use only the most reliable and high quality parts. Наши самолеты приспособлены для российских условий: вся авионика метрическая, нет лишних приборов, которые не работают в России (VOR, WAAS и т.д.), а многие системы доработаны нами с учетом российской специфики. Our aircraft are adapted for the Russian conditions: the entire avionics metric, no extra devices that do not work in Russia (VOR, WAAS, etc.) and many of us finalized, taking into account the specificity of Russia."

So what do they use over there to nav by.... GPS? some sort of NDB system? I did not know there were more than a couple of private civilian aircraft over there.... I thought it was mostly military or "aeroflot" airliners. I think I need to do some reading and research!
And I quote:

"...the first plane RV-3, designed by Richard Van Grunsvenom..."

If Van were a top gun ace, his name would be Grunsvenom. :D

So I'm building a Cetus 700, I guess. Looks like they offer the "Cetus 900" (RV-9) with floats. It looks like they stole word for word (with pictures) the article on Johanson from Van's website.
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Cetus-"A" gear leg rocks!!

I want one of those Cetus 700 front gear legs! :D Yeah, that is what we have all been talking about! Same setup as the RV10, with the rubber donuts! This should solve all the tip-over problems. :cool: And who said they are 50 years behind on technology? :rolleyes: Is there eanybody out there who can contact these guys and let us know how to order? :)

Regards, Tonny.
I want one of those Cetus 700 front gear legs! :D Yeah, that is what we have all been talking about! Same setup as the RV10, with the rubber donuts! This should solve all the tip-over problems. :cool: And who said they are 50 years behind on technology? :rolleyes: Is there eanybody out there who can contact these guys and let us know how to order? :)

Regards, Tonny.

Where? Wha? I can't find it. :)