
Forum Peruser
How do I set up myiPhone to display Runwayfinder? RF runs great on my PC, but it's just a white screen with the word "Runwayfinder" on my new iPhone 4s. I had the same problem with my old iPhone 3 but I thought the problem was with the phone. Skyvector runs great, but I prefer Runwayfinder.

There must be a setup step in RF or a setting on the iPhone I am missing. :confused:
Is anybody familiar with Runwayfinder?

Hmmm...in the last four hours nearly 70 folks have viewed my description of my conundrum, and we don't have any suggestions. Surely there's a VAF-er out there who uses Runwayfinder on his/her iPhone or iPad. Dave Parsons, where are you?

P.S. Everyone must have rushed out to Lowe's to grab up the Work Platform described in my friend Alan Jackson's thread!
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Does not support iPhone Mobile Safari

Currently, RunwayFinder.com does not support The iPhone. It looks like they know this and went so far as to specifically stop the site from even attempting to render for the iPhone Mobile Safari browser.

I just ran two tests:

Pad Mobile Safari - rendered but has usability issues because some touch actions are not as functional as the mouse.
iPhone iCab browser - rendered but was unusable on such a small screen.

It would take some development work to get RunwayFinder to work well on an iPhone or Android smartphone. Some functions interfaces would need to change; some make less sense and would likely go away; And like DR has noted for is site, the ads would need to persist in some form to maintain the revenue model.
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I often use the browser called "Mercury" on the iPhone/iPad.... Among other things, you can set it to ID itself as any other browser. Set to Firefox, runwayfinder seems to load fine (including the ads).

Well, "fine" is a strong word. It's not a pleasant experience at all on the iPhone and the iPad is just barely usable. I'd use about any of the other paid apps first. (And Mercury is a paid app -- so I really wouldn't bother. No promises!)

I think runwayfinder may have stopped it more for usability (and yet another platform to code for) than anything else. You can always email him and ask....pretty responsive guy.

Thanks, guys. I am "electron challenged" sometimes and even though I am an engineer (don't hold that against me) I sometimes don't understand how some things work...especially in the software world.

You saved me a bunch of time. Now to get back to rivetting...:)
Works fine on WP7

As probably one of the few users on Windows Phone 7, it does work fine on that IE browser, although a little slow to load over 3G.