Great trip write up, reminds me of my German shorthair pointer I had as a kid, good dogs, thanks for reminding me of my memories
Excellent write up Scott. Beautiful pics. If you ever need anything this side of the hills, let me know. Would be glad to repay the favor.
Scott, If you would please, tell us a bit about potty training with Sammy before you took her flying.

(Beautiful country by the way)
Travel companion

Have had years ago German Wirehaired Pointer. Great hunting dogs as long you take those out to the woods from the beginning with. Don't have to teach them as they have that instinct by nature.

Beautiful pictures!
Sometimes i wish I were a dog...;)


I spent a couple of nights up there with a friend about 3 weeks ago. Those same motorhomes were there then. The good folks occupying them are apparently enjoying the life. A great gem of an airplane camping spot in the Sierra.
Wonderful stuff. Now I am really missing our Jack Russel who often flew with me. Still wondering how she could always sense top of descent and then woke up and start jumping around in the back of the 10. A mans best friend indeed.
Wow gorgeous place. I need to go there!! As I was reading the last paragraph I knew it was a cliffhanger and I was going to have to wait a day or 2 for the story. You're always leaving us hanging wanting more beautiful pics.
Too bad,,,,

Too bad that other states don’t offer these out door experience opportunities.
Texas has two airports in State parks,,, one is closed. I have written and told them they are missing all the airplane peoples money. I’ve explained that we spend most of our time and money in Idaho. They don’t care. Texas state parks cater to Motor homes and trailers.

PS. Johnson Creek is a state Park, I have been visiting every year since 2003
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Will the next post be about the rattlesnakes at Moose Creek?

Both times camping there we happened upon rattlers while hiking. Not ferocious, but will definitely get your attention.

GEEZ Scott----I'm sure glad you've got Sammy. Big dog is the best defense you can have against critters in the forest. Glad to hear the bear spooked. The snake---that would have been too close for me. And then I assume there are probably mountain lions living up there too? Might wanna bring a 2ed dog and an Uzi with you next trip.:D
... I threw the creature into the flames, head included, and counted my blessings for having a lookout of my own to guard my welfare. Sammy watched the cremation closely...

I'm pretty sure she was waiting for you to take it out and serve dinner ;)
Why did you decapitate the snake? Just get a long stick and nudge it on its way. They're just part of the natural order.

I knew this was gonna come up. I had the same thought, but when it’s night, and you find it in your camp, might be a bit hard to get to sleep that night.Not sure I’m on board with burning the body after decapitating it, but if that’s what let’s you sleep I’ll let it slide. Now let’s see, how can this be RV related...
Now let’s see, how can this be RV related...

EAA Ambassador at Large:

Fantastic story

Great write up! I really enjoy these - thanks for taking the time to write these up.
Great trip

Great write-up. Thanks for sharing. Backcountry Idaho is the best there is. You've motivated me to hurry up so I can fly up there. We were backpacking at Big Creek two years ago when they were still building the lodge. Jesse (I think that is her name) and her dad were building the stone fireplace. The mantel is sitting on the ground in this picture. That was a HEAVY lift.


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Thanks Scott


Thanks so much for your inspiring writing and the photos. I have been into Johnson Creek and camped there twice which was awesome and your posts have brought back many great memories.

What camera are you using as the photos are great???

Scott, you're killing me!

While growing up my father took me on numerous backpacking trips in the Idaho and Montana backcountry, including one memorable 10 day trip up Big Creek to Taylor Ranch and Rush Creek Point fire lookout. Many many years later I flew my newly built RV-6 into Big Creek and a few other places in Idaho for some idyllic airplane camping.

That was years ago and ever since I've longed to go back and do what you're doing but was just too busy with work and other things. Now newly retired, I've been planning to a trip similar to yours in my -6 in a week or so.

Then 10 days ago I fell on my bicycle and broke my collarbone. AAAAARGH!

So now I'm sitting in a chair taking pain pills, using my one good hand to page forlornly through Galen Hanselman's Fly Idaho and Fly the Big Sky and torturing myself looking at your pictures and writeup... ah well, my time will come, just have to wait a bit longer. :rolleyes:
I nominate my Christian brother Scott to be the official Poet Laureate of VAF, even if he only graces us once a year.

And I nominate Sammy to be . . . something! What a great dog! I miss my own dogs.

Your trip is absolutely amazing. I could not wait to read your next adventure.

Sammy just tops it off. She is gorgeous.

Great job!!

Darren & Traci Kerns
RV7 N599DT
Cool Dog

Great stories and pictures. They motivate me on my -8 build. I’m looking forward to your next installment when ever that is.