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Well Known Member
I would like to run the engine in my RV6A for the first time and I am not sure it?s a good idea to do so without the wings. It would be much simpler to trouble shoot basic problems while the aircraft is at home but I cant get it out of the garage with out removing the wings and do not want to do the final wing install until its at the airport.

I have heard there could be problems such as twisting the fuselage if you run the engine without the wings. Any truth to this. Also an suggestions about type of oil for break in, I have an H2AD and the oil requires the additive called out by an AD.
I wouldn't

Since I was a first time builder, I deferred to Vans tech support and building manual on this question. (engine running without the wings?). Both said don't do it. That was enough for me. Jack
I've seen it done in photos. I don't think you would twist anything as long as the fuselage structure is completed. There is a chance of flipping over. I would certainly tie the plane down, anchor the wheels, and not do full power runups. Warn your neighbors!!!

I know two RV-6A folks who did it in LA with no RV problems.....

But.... one did it in an enclosed back yard and blew all kinds of dust, dirt, leaves through an open kitchen window.... not sure if his wife has forgiven him yet... :)

The second guy did it in his driveway, and managed to totally strip his neighbors rose bushes.... :)

So, if you do, just watch where the prop blast is going, and make sure you have LOTS of clear room in front of, and behind, the fuselage.

gil in Tucson
Cleared for take off

Your climb performance will be a little off with out them, suggest you put them on before first flight :eek:
Run the engine without the prop

Is it possible to run a Lycoming type engine without the prop?
No!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn?t do it.
No cooling and without the prop you will be running very high rpm with no MP at idle. Not the best situation for ring flutter if you are going to move the throttle any.
Some helicopter engines do run with little to no load at idle, but they have a fan providing cooling air.
Good Luck,
gmcjetpilot said:
Your climb performance will be a little off with out them, suggest you put them on before first flight :eek:

Great reduction of induced drag though, but I don't think the two cancel eachother out...

Mickey is just trying to make trouble - we all know he's going to fly with a Subie! :D
Makin' trouble

Ironflight said:
Mickey is just trying to make trouble - we all know he's going to fly with a Subie! :D
I guess I'll have to get Eggenfellner to add that to his website - Subaru Engine runs without a prop! ;)
I ran two RV-7 and a 7a with ut the wings no problems at all I kept the RPM below 1700 and just ran a fuel line from a gallon can

I do believe that one could have problems if you ran it a full RPm and goosed the throttle alot I did it this way to make sure that it ran and that things were ok the full rpm was only done when it was all assembled

I also ran it on pavement that was clean with nothing behind me it is no different than doing a run up at the airport

flying in maine
Thrust to lift ratio?

rv8ch said:
I guess I'll have to get Eggenfellner to add that to his website - Subaru Engine runs without a prop! ;)
Suggest you put the prop on before first flight, thrust will suffer with out it. May be with out the drag of the wings, this will offset the lack of a prop? Hell with a car engine you could hook some belt drives to the landing gear tires and drive it. :D George

PS: Can you run a car engine with out radiators and coolant?
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gmcjetpilot said:
PS: Can you run a car engine with out radiators and coolant?

Yes, but not for very long. Top fuel drag racers don't have cooling systems as they only run for a few seconds.

There is a picture of a 220 hp Franklin powered RV-8 on EAA 315's web site running w/o the wings on. You will have to scroll down to "Van's RV 8--Claudio Tonnini" and click on the link there. Note the "landing gear" he is using for the test run.