
Well Known Member

What are the rules of engagement?? What is standard roll length? Is there a brand or number of plies that is preferred? Is there a standard altitude of commencement? Is there normally a stated hard deck? What are the Tricks of the trade? What are the hazards? How do you keep score? Is there a sanctioning body for this endeavor?

As most of you have guessed, I am new to the world of Richard VanGrunsven designed aircraft and Sport Aerobatics. I am however, very determined to learn more about this optional access door on the side of my canopy that I understand is designed for launching rolls of lavatory paper into the atmosphere. I understand this was not designed for soiled lavatory paper, but fresh rolls from the wrapper only for sport. Anyone with more insight on this or who have been known to dabble in lavatory paper at altitude, please enlighten me. :confused:
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Sliding Trap Door ??

I was thinking about a sliding trap door for that purpose only. Thinking 3 1/2 inch light weight pipe with trigger to open the door and bombs away should hold a 6 pack so you don't have to reload. Done the open the door and open the window thing but I think there is a better way. Sure is fun to see it drop and it does not harm the environment (bio degradeable) sorry WILLIE. The fun part is to see if you can cut it before it hits the HARDDECK. 2000 AGL is close enough.
If you are going to play this game, be sure to have some sort of alternate air system. You want the engine to keep running if you manage to suck toilet paper in the intake. Doug Rozendall learned this lesson the hard way many years ago. He was doing a ribbon cut at an airshow and sucked the ribbon in the intake. He put the Cassutt down in a field next to the airport, total destroying the aircraft and banging up his knee.
I know guys that do this with certified airplanes too :/ I've never tried, one of my A&P Teachers flew acro for awhile when he was younger. He dropped from 8000' and cut three times before it hit the ground with his Mooney M20C... I didn't fly with him much...