
Well Known Member
I've read through the posts and am a little confused on the wedge dimensions given. When stated that 1.5 inches (or in Marty's case. 6 inches) of wedge was used do you mean that is the wedge width or length? I'm about a full ball out to the right, and adding a standard hardware store wood wedge (8" LONG, 1.5" WIDE, and 5/16" thick at the base-- Van's recommends 1.5 inches by 3/8' with no mention of length-- had essentially no effect. I'm also very SLIGHTLY left wing heavy but will work the rudder problem first. Bigger concern is the incorrect IAS. 4-way box at 4000 beet on bear-standard day shows IAS average 105 and GPS average 114 knots. I've triple checked the pitot and static systems. First check had big leaks, so I used teflon paste on the Dynon plastic attach fitting and since that the is virtually NO leak in 5 minutes in either system

Wayne 120241
What is the problem with your speed?
2% gain/1000ft makes 105 IAS X 1,08 = 113,4 TAS. The same as your GPS.
I've seen the light

After finding a photo of Avery's wedge I see my error-- I'll try one like that next flight. Got to talk with Dynon Monday.

Wayne 120241
Add the entire 6" section of the Avery wedge, then correct the wing heavy problem by pinching the opoosite side flaperon (little by little). You then may be able to reduce the size of the rudder trim tab (per John Bender). I still have to pinch the flaperons to correct a very slightly heavy left wing.
Wayne, I am painting my rudder trim wedge as I write this. Mine required an 8" long by 1 and 1/2" wide tapering frpm 1/16" at front to 3/8" at rear. I use balsa wood. I experimented with varying lengths of aluminum bent to a 3/8" height at rear taped to the rudder over about a dozen flights before arriving at the best fit for my 12.
Dick Seiders 120093
Sorry for repeating, but

I had a very heavy wing, and the ball a long ways out. By correcting the heavy wing, everything came back in just fine. I am not using a rudder trim. Before adding rudder trim, I'd try to get the wing heavy problem under control. I think you'll find it corrects both well.

John Bender

everyone. 143WM would not be an airplane yet without all the help this first-time builder got from the group!
