
Well Known Member
I'm up to 1.5 wedges on the left side of the rudder and the second piece didn't help much. Still about half a ball or more out at cruise-- at pattern speeds the ball is centered! I see this has been a problem for lots of people-- anyone have the solution yet? Heavy wing isn't that big of a problem and is more dependent on loading after some squeezing with a hand seamer. Rudder trim is the big problem. Why Van's didn't offeset the rudder as with other RV's?

LOVE the way this thing lands but not so pleased with the way it bounces arond 0on a warm fall day!

Wayne 120241/143WM 3.5 hours
Stab Trim

All light GA planes bounce around on a warm fall day. Come to Texas and we will show you some real bounce:eek:. Try moving the trim tabs up and down the Vert Stab. They maybe more effective at one of those locations.

RV12 N1212K

Mine took a full 2 wedges on the left side to center the ball at cruise. I have temporarily placed mine about halfway up. Did this based on previous post by Scott McDaniels suggested that higher might be more effective because it gets it out of the turbulent air produced by the canopy.

Unfortunately, as per a post yesterday, my bigger challenge is a persistent wing heavy issue!

Wayne, as I said earlier on another post I finally arrived at a 1 and 3/8 wide by 7 in long tab . Positioned on left side about 1/3 of way up. So far so good at cruise. Still need rt rudder on t.o of course, but cruise is centered.
The bounce? No way around it. It's part of flying light airplanes.
Dick Seiders 120093
I've got 2 wedges

and still need just a little more. Has anyone tried a thicker wedge-- i.e. maybe 1/2" inch thick at the TE? Or will I be the first? Gotta love this test pilot stuff.

Wayne 143WM 5.4 hours, 1 test card completed.

Where have you placed the wedges? I know Scott McDaniels commented in a prior thread that if they are low on the rudder, they might be in the area where there is disturbed air from the canopy and suggested trying them higher up. I put mine midway up the rudder. You might try changing the location before trying more or something thicker.

I had them

in the recommended position at the bottom of the rudder and them moved tham halfway up with no noticeable difference. Today with just me (160 pounds) and half fuel I had a slighty heavy left wing. With full fuel and ballast to 1050 pounds in the right seat there wasn't much noticeable roll, so I pinched the lefy flapperon some more. Will find how that worked next flight. Plan to trim it for just me and some fuel.


Another Senior Moment-- I am pinching the right flaperon, and it has helped. Still not quite there, but it's helping.

Rudder trim

Skunk Works has a simple easy to install rudder trim that loads up springs on your rudder peddles, no add on wedges.... Another option not so easy to do but works great is add a washer (top and bottom) between your engine and engine mount. This will increase the off set of your engine. You can dial your airplane in to fly great in cruse this way. Takes alittle time but worth the effort. Just try different thickness of washers till you get what you want. Best of all you don't have to have those ugly tabs or washers on your rudder. :cool:
Rudder Trim Continuing Thread

Just curious, Has anyone had their -12 fly straight and level without a heavy wing and/or rudder wedges right out of the box, or is this something we all have to look forward to?

Art Pennanen
Another option not so easy to do but works great is add a washer (top and bottom) between your engine and engine mount. .... ....Just try different thickness of washers till you get what you want. Best of all you don't have to have those ugly tabs or washers on your rudder. :cool:

And your spinner won't line up with the cowl.
Just curious, Has anyone had their -12 fly straight and level without a heavy wing and/or rudder wedges right out of the box, or is this something we all have to look forward to?

Art Pennanen

There was a poll on the rudder trim issue back in June, and a few reported no trim needed. The majority had a ball out to the right initially.

Here is the link: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=58747

Just curious, Has anyone had their -12 fly straight and level without a heavy wing and/or rudder wedges right out of the box, or is this something we all have to look forward to?

I'm the type of person that would look down on my plane from a balcony.........and wonder what's with the offset in the vertical stab. After all, it looks crooked from that angle:D! And from this view....the engine is crooked too!

So that's what it amounts to. It's crooked engines with crooked stabilizers, but the pilot is happy that the aircraft fly's straight & true. On the other hand, I like the look of trim tabs. They look like they belong on airplanes! :)

L.Adamson --- RV6A with crocked engine, straight vert. stab with a good looking tab..