
Well Known Member

I just completed the rudder and I think it turned out well. The trailing edge is quite straight (no waviness), however, if I drop a plumb line from the top of the rudder, down the aft side along the trailing edge, the bottom is not in line with the top. The plumb line falls to the left of the trailing edge by approximately a half inch at the very bottom. Have I somehow twisted things or is this how it should it be?

(As a note, I used very little weight right along the trailing edge to hold it down while I back riveted the trailing edge together.)

Gravity problem

Disregard my last. I brought the rudder into the house, oriented it North/South front to back, then re-plumbed....re-plumb lined... :confused: em, remeasured. The top and bottom are aligned, no more measuring tonight. Apparently, the problem is with the gravity in my garage, which is far better than the problem being with my rudder! ;)

Thanks Jim,

That's a helpful thread. I measured by laying the rudder on the table, each side up in turn, and it measures out with about a 1/16 twist.
For those who find this thread looking for tips on the rudder trailing edge, I suggest being careful when handling the trailing edge strip. (I don't have the manual with me but I believe it's #R-916.) It's a long wedge which means any bend whatsoever will cause it to twist. Make every effort to keep it flat when drilling the countersinks.

I set up my tabletop drill press as suggested, but let the ends hang off the small drill table without support. It's flimsy to begin with and once you begin drilling the countersinks it becomes almost fragile. I spent a good long time working to get it straight again. If it happens to you, don't try to unbend it--that's not possible because the large holes create evenly spaced weak points. Instead, stand it up on the bottom edge and look straight down on the sharp edge and you'll see where it twists. Keep it on the table and work to untwist it. Good luck.