
I'm New Here
Am I missing something? I?ve searched the plans and this site for guidance and have not found any clarification!

Are the rudder stiffeners inverted on the right vs left skin or simply offset by the holes in the skin? The holes in the skins are offset by 1/8?.
They go on, with the long tapper towards the trailing edge and oriented so the stiffeners on the left and right skins nestle one an other. For example, on one skin all the stiffeners have the flange sticking out the lower edge and on the other skin the flange sticks out the upper edge.

That way, when the skin's come together, the stiffeners won't hit each other.
I hope that helps.
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Its been a long time, but the Exploded View on sheet 7 shows the right side stiffeners with the flange on the bottom, and the Left Side View seems to show with the dashes that the opposite side stiffeners have the flange on the top.
It would have been better if Van's had a cross-section through the ribs, but don't expect them to change the plans now.
Copy... thanks for the responses! Just checked the stiffener material again to challenge my assumption that hole spacing in the material is uniform. It is in fact, not uniform. The hole spacing is ?keyed? to ensure proper flange orientation!
