
Active Member
I never liked the rudder pedals flopping around so I contacted Fernando Abasola (airbuspilot) on the forum to see where he got the springs on his 8.
He said he had them made up at a shop in Chile and he was having a set made up for another 8 and if I liked he would have a set made up for me. Well, I liked and he sent me a set at no charge. The people on this forum are amazing for their generosity. You can see Fernando's original post on the springs here,(I hope)

Thanks again Fernando


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Rudder Springs

Is there any information about the type and gage of spring wire used? The spring drawing is excellent, but there's a wide variety of spring values that you can get, depending on the wire.

Is there any information about the type and gage of spring wire used? The spring drawing is excellent, but there's a wide variety of spring values that you can get, depending on the wire.


I don't know what they used. Hopefully Fernando will chime in with the information, or you could try sending him a pm.