
I'm New Here
Can anyone tell me if they stand their rudder skin up and look on the left side (as installed on the vertical)...are the stiffener holes in your skin lower or higher than the right stiffener holes....Mine are higher which makes me think that my skin was bent the wrong way...I have studied this at length before posting.....The stiffeners are cut correctly....and the drawing shows the holes on the left side lower than the right....If I install the stiffeners, they will not "nest" together...I checked the right elevator and the stiffeners will "nest"....Thanks in advance for anyone willing to take a look and let me know....Terry. RV-8
Mine are higher

Looking at this photo I took a while back the holes on the left side of the rudder seam to be higher.



Hope this helps ;)
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stiffener difference between rudder and elevators.

I found this thread while researching differences between the rudder stiffeners/skin layout vs. the elevators.

The holes in the elevator stiffeners seem to be drilled/punched in a manner that allows the stiffeners to slightly 'nest'. The surface of the stiffener perpendicular to the skin surface rests on the opposing stiffener.

The holes on the rudder seem to be a bit more offset so the perpendicular stiffener surface would rest against the skin (if the skin was ever pressed that far.)

Is this by design? Anyone know why?
