It is time to hang my rudder on my 8a and I know I have seen the rod end bearing measurements for the rudder but I can't find them now..I have looked all over page 7pp but I know I am having a mental lapse..what are the 3 measurements to start with please?
I just built an RV8 rudder yesterday, building both elevators today :).
The measurements are right on the large pic of the left side of the rudder on drawing 7. You can't miss them as the rod end bearing threads on the drawing are blacked out :rolleyes:. Please look at the drawing and see for yourself BUT, they are (top to bottom) 51/64, 63/64, and 1 3/64. Reference note 2 as indicated in the drawing.

Have fun.

It is time to hang my rudder on my 8a and I know I have seen the rod end bearing measurements for the rudder but I can't find them now..I have looked all over page 7pp but I know I am having a mental lapse..what are the 3 measurements to start with please?
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thank you so much...I found them on some 7 plans but not on mine and it is practically the same page and they were right were you said on the 7 plans..anyway thank you for your reply..older plans, iam sure they are there somewhere