
Well Known Member
Hi All,

quick question, I noticed in a preflight that when I push full right rudder, I don't get 100% deflection. It doesn't even get close to the stop. It maybe gets 1/2 way. (Note: Left rudder goes all the way to the stop.)

I didn't build my 6a but in my mind, I should have full deflection if I stomp the rudder pedal to the floor. Am I wrong?


I think it's time for me to build one myself so I don't have all these questions.... need to find a rv8 kit.
cable links and slack?

It would be interesting to see the lengths of the steel links connecting your rudder pedals to the cables. Also, is there slack in one cable and not the other?
There seems to be some slack. I might need to just tighten it up?

Your rudder stop(s) could be wrong. Check the deflection with a protractor to see if you are getting "book" deflection both ways. don't know what it is for the 6, but it's 30-35 l/r degrees for the 8.
Have you noticed any issues with rudder travel while flying?

A suggestion for you...........

Have someone sit in the plane and push on the rudder pedal while you are outside looking at the travel. Check both directions and compare the actual travel with the stop location.
I wouldn't put too much faith in cable slack. On the ground with no pressure on rudder pedals slack is normal.
Hi Mike,

Yeah, I did what you suggested and when I push left rudder, it hits the stop, when I push right rudder it's not hitting the stop and only goes 1/2 travel.

If the cable setup is like my 10, there are a couple pieces of flat stock used to link the cable to the pedal assembly-------check and make sure they are the same length.
Your rudder stop(s) could be wrong. Check the deflection with a protractor to see if you are getting "book" deflection both ways. don't know what it is for the 6, but it's 30-35 l/r degrees for the 8.

The -6 manual also puts it a 30 degrees min and 35 degrees max.

It's a bit awkward to measure - my digital level doesn't work on the vetical rudder :) - so I made up two simple cardboard templates.
There seems to be some slack. I might need to just tighten it up?


This comment suggests that you don?t understand that the Vans system is not like that on most production airplanes. There is not a continuous loop; there are two separate rudder cables, one for left, one for right. Try this: Gently apply foot pressure to both rudder pedals, and keep them side by side. Look at the rudder. Is it neutral? If not, it?s not correct. If the rudder is delected left, then the right cable, or the attachment linkage, is too long. Make certain the cable-to- pedal linkage is the same length for both left and right pedals.
If the above (light pressure, pedals even) test shows the rudder is neutral, then you have to look and find out what is limiting right pedal travel.
Hi Mike,

Yeah, I did what you suggested and when I push left rudder, it hits the stop, when I push right rudder it's not hitting the stop and only goes 1/2 travel.


So what is "stopping" it from full travel? It's not clear to me from the it the pedal hitting the firewall, the rudder skin contacting the VS rear spar flange, or what?