I'm thinking about re-doing the rudder. It turned out very straight thanks to the knowledge of a local. But I got a little happy finishing it out and created some smilies... perfectionist, maybe... I'll see what a local builder thinks first.

But if I do ...

I've been reading about the RV7 rudder and looking at a couple of RV7A rudders. Has anyone added some sealant at the ends of the stiffeners? The thought is to help with some of the cracks that appear there on a few.

I have a local that mentioned something like this but I've been to busy at work to look him up for another conversation.
Be careful adding sealant since it adds weight and pulls the cg rearward. That being said, I added sealant on the stiffeners where they overlap, and we glued the vertical seam together before riveting as well. Just don't go crazy with how much you add.
I thought it was Standard to put a dollop of proseal at each stiffener? At least on the -8 is it. If I were building a -7, I would use the folded trailing edge. Not just for the perceived saftey margin, but because that large -9 rudder is just too stiff in flight!