
Well Known Member
I have started my rudder pedal assembly and have an idea and want to see what some of you think. Looking through other threads I noticed some using extra springs on the matco cylinders and one long bolt to attach the pedals instead of two. I like these ideas. Someone in there explanation of sticking brakes talked about the pedals attach points were at a angle to the brackets on the tube frame and wasn't sure what they meant until I started assembly. The sides of the pedal are tapered so when you rivet the 3/4 x3/4 x1/16 angle flush with the edge it is also at an angle. Now when you tighten the bolts (or bolt) the surfaces of the angle and bracket are not parallel and make it more difficult to properly tighten without binding. If you kick out the top of the angle about 5/64" these surfaces will now be parallel. Yes the angle will stick out a little but I think it would be barely noticeable. Also the top rivet would be 1/32 under the 2D edge distance but I don't think this would be a major issue either. Now the holes through the angle that attach the pedals and the bracket that the master cylinder bolts too could be drilled straight and not at a slight angle.
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I just modified my pedals with a single bolt. Sweet! No sticking - nice and smooth. The bolts are exspensive though but worth it. Once your pedals are moving freely, the cylinder rebounds nicely. Drill the holes in assembly with the drill in line with the bolt to ensure a nice strait pass through all 4 hunks of metal.

Any pictures?

Does anyone have pictures of this mod? How about the thread that discusses it? Thanks!!