Thierry A

Active Member
Hi All, anyone care to share how many locations for the bearing blocks you created. How far apart is each position and which position settled on. I'm 5'11" and was planning creating 4 locations each about 1 1/8" apart starting 3 inches from the firewall (per plans) and moving aft.
I usually drill in 3 or 4 pedal locations. Furthest forward being about 3" aft of the firewall, each about 1" apart.
Note- for each pedal location, you will have to also make a pair of matching pedal/rudder cable links too.
This - plus . . . .

I usually drill in 3 or 4 pedal locations. Furthest forward being about 3" aft of the firewall, each about 1" apart.
Note- for each pedal location, you will have to also make a pair of matching pedal/rudder cable links too.

. . . . . . I also raised the pedals about 1" by making Delrin spacers to go under the left and right bearing blocks. I have size 15 feet and needed the pedals a bit higher. If you do this, you also have to modify the center bearing block set up as well.
I put 3 locations in my setup. We did the minimum distance from the firewall that the plans recommend, I think 3 inches off the FW, then did half the spacing of the blocks. Full forward the pedals are in holes 1 and 3. Middle position they're in holes 2 and 4. Aft most they're in holes 3 and 5. I'm 5'10", the wife is 5'6". We ended up in the most forward location. I use the middle seat mount and she uses the forward seat location with a small pad. I don't like having to use the rear seat location because it sits too upright. Consider the almost a 14 mod if you're 5'11" and want to use anything but the most forward location on the pedals.
2 locations

I made 2 locations (4 holes per side), 1.5" apart. The first location is 4.25" from the firewall in order for the pedal bars to clear the firewall centre recess. It was not possible to put the first hole 3" from the firewall due to the recess.
I'm 5' 11" also and expect to use the most forward location only. I put in the extra holes for a possible different future owner. Further "adjustment" for shorter leg pilots would be via extra back cushions, that's what we do in our club plane.
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