Concerning my Rudder Pedal Blocks, I have two issues. First my AN3-22A bolts are bottoming out on the nutplate. The bolt is too long by 1/4". I might just take the blame for it is possible that when I separated the F-1235A Rudder Pedal Blocks, I may have removed too much material separating the two halves. This is easy fix for I will simply order (6) AN3-20 bolts.

My Second issue is how snug should the blocks hug the Rudder Pedal Shaft. If I place the Blocks on the Rudder Pedal Shaft to check the gap between both blocks, I can place (2) AN-960 washers in the gap between the top and bottom block and I will have a small amount of slack, but this will "Clamp" the block on the shaft very tightly, however if I place (2) AN-960 and (1) AN-960L between the Block halves there will be a little slack in the Shaft/Block before I torque bolt in place.

Should I just use (3) AN-960 and ensure that I do not bind the Rudder Pedals?

RV-12 #120648
If you removed too much material when cutting the blocks in half, then the correct fix is to order new blocks, not new bolts. I used a hacksaw to cut the blocks. The plans call for a maximum of 1/16" saw kerf. The sides of a hacksaw blade can be ground down to reduce the rake of the teeth.
A narrower saw kerf will solve both problems.
Joe Gores
Do not use a shorter bolt

If you removed too much material when cutting the blocks in half, then the correct fix is to order new blocks, not new bolts. I used a hacksaw to cut the blocks. The plans call for a maximum of 1/16" saw kerf. The sides of a hacksaw blade can be ground down to reduce the rake of the teeth.
A narrower saw kerf will solve both problems.
Joe Gores

If the saw cut is .0625 as required by vans and the 6 AN960-10 washers fill the gaps, then tell my why if the saw cut is .125 ( 1/8' ) why can't you use a washer that is .125.
In my opinion the washer is to replace the material removed

Do not use a shorter bolt

Joe Dallas
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I cut as per Van's instructions and had no problems.

Not to take the thread off topic, but I have finished my wire harness above the pedals, but have left them down. I am saving for and do not have my engine package. Can I install the pedal assembly permanently now or should I wait? Not sure if anything more will need to be rooted above the pedals.
After sleeping on it, I realize that I was wrong about ordering new blocks. Joe Dallas is right.
Joe Gores