It was bound to happen. I'm working on the empennage/Aft Fuselage kit and have completed the HS, Rudder, VS, trim tab and nearly done with the elevator. I keep the completed components on top of a cabinet in my workshop (garage). It has been over 100 degrees nearly everyday for the past couple of weeks so I leave the roll up garage door open at night about 6" to take advantage of cooler nighttime temps. Apparently, 6" is enough for a family of raccoons to come visiting.

The little blankity blanks, climbed up the cabinet and knocked the rudder off. It made quite the racket as it fell 6 feet onto the concrete floor. I rushed into the garage to see them staring back at me as if to say, "...wasn't us. The cat did it." Well, I don't have a cat so I know it was them.

My rudder didn't survive the short CFIT and there is no way to realistically repair it. Better to build another one. I called Van's and asked if they had a "Rudder Kit" and was told they don't. I would have to order each individual piece. I started going through the plans and writing them down but thought there must be a faster way. Maybe someone has decided to build a second rudder and they have a parts list composed??
I could provide it to you on Friday. However it's straightforward to go through Section 7 and develop the parts list yourself: Most are called out on 07-01. Subsequent pages will show you the rivets, nutplates, screws, etc. Keep in mind that some parts come from cutting others, like the shear clips.
Thank you. I'm headed to OshKosh in the morning and will be back on Monday. I'll have a look then. I'm surprised Van's doesn't have at least a kit for a rudder. With as many comments I've read about people redoing their 1st first attempt, it would seem logical.
I listed the parts below, but the formatting isn't good (tabs are not supported on vBulletin). So, you can also find it in a text file at the bottom of this blog post from when I re-did my own rudder.

Best to check over my list below just in case anything is missing or the parts count is inaccurate. I did not count the AD3 size rivets as I already had an adequate amount. The parts below cost me $823 before shipping back in August of 2017.

E-614-020 counterweight
HW-00004 tie-wrap clip
R-00901-L-1 skin
R-00901-R-1 skin
R-00902-1 spar
R-00904-1 bottom rib
R-00910 horn brace
R-00914 stiffener shear clip
R-00915A-1 stiffener
R-00915B-1 stiffener
R-00915C-1 stiffener
R-00915D-1 stiffener
R-00915E-1 stiffener
R-00915F-1 stiffener
R-00915G-1 stiffener
(2) R-00918 attach strip
R-405PD rudder horn
R-606PP reinforcement plate
R-607PP reinforcement plate
R-608PP reinforcement plate
R-903 rudder top rib
R-912 counterbalance rib
R-916-1 trailing edge
R-909 tip
R-911 bottom
R-00911B fairing doubler

(3) K1000-06
(2) AN470AD4-4
(15) AN470AD4-5
(10) AN470AD4-6
(6) AN470AD4-8
(49) LP4-3
(1) LP4-5
(2) MS21042-3
(2) NAS1149F0363P
(2) AN509-10R16
(3) AD-41-ABS
(25) MK-319-BS
() AN426AD3-3
() AN426AD3-3.5
() AN426AD3-4
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Thank you very much for the list. I took longer to get back from AirVenture than planned and just now checking for the post. I'll place the order today so they will (hopefully) be shipped with my wing kit.

Thanks again - John