Active Member
After riveting VS1210's and VS 1211A together the 3-5 bearing became almost un-movable. Anyone else encounter such a problem? Thanks John 337J G
This takes alittle finesse. Something is pinching the bearing. The bearings should have a little drag, but not be "frozen". I would start over, drill out the rivets and take a look at the mating parts again.

There was a thread sometime ago about this giving some tips on riveting without pinching the bearings.
been there, done that

This has been a problem, especially on the early kits. Marty Santic actually used a micrometer and discovered that the bearing was thicker than the machined depth of the recess in the vs 1210's + the vs1211b. I heard Van's had fixed this. You need to drill out all the rivets and start over. The best way to assemble the units it to squeeze each rivet just a bit and then go to the rivet on the opposite side (just like lug nuts on a wheel) It you work gradually and alternate rivets you usually are ok. If you mess up the holes in the VS-1210's I have some extra's.
I had the same problem and contacted Van's. They have sent me new ones. With the new I didn't had any problems and you can squeeze the rivets in any order you like.
I also had this problem with one of the flaperon brackets. Van's corrected the problem with the new brackets but it seems that my kit had still the older parts.