Scott Will

Well Known Member
Quick question... when the rudder goes to full deflection, where does the vertical stabilizer skin line up on the rudder? Should it line up evenly on the first row of rivets on the rudder spar or does it taper/vary from top to bottom? I know Van's gives you distances to start with but that's just a starting point.

I'm using an internal rudder stop and trying to get everything adjust properly. Thanks!

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Van's calls out the specified range of travel. My 2 cents...pull the rudder in as close to the VS as you can (less gap is less drag) while still ensuring the rudder still moves through the full specified range and...

- hits the stops authoritatively without resistance
- does not bind anywhere in the range (nothing rubbing anywhere)
- the counterweight arm is not in conflict with the VS
- the rudder skin does not hit the VS skin edge (keep in mind the thickness of paint)

If satisfying all those conditions means the line of rivets here doesn't exactly line up with yada yada, I don't personally think it's a huge deal.
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